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[Freeform | Fantasy] The Mystics

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Rose, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. There are many realms in the world. We roleplayers live in the First Realm. Our characters are from the Second Realm, a world right beneath our feet that doesn't even know we exist.
    In the Second Realm, everyone has a superpower. The people with the rarest and most powerful are plucked from the villages as children to study and learn how to become a member of the Mystic Council when they turn 16. The Mystic Council are the leaders of the Second Realm, who maintain the peace, punish criminals, and create laws. Most are fairly young, however there are a good handful of elders that run the place, taking up the positions of President, Vice President, Secratary, and Treasurer.
    But what if the elders were all assassinated, drop kicking the younger ones to take over. Overwhelmed, they struggle to manage a nation and avoid assassination attempts on their own lives controlled by someone they know quite well....

    My character will be president to avoid godmodding, however all other positions are on a first come, first serve basis.

    I would also like higher quality posts for this, about a paragraph a post with decent grammar. :)
  2. This definitely looks like my kind of thing :p You can totally count me in on this one. Also, I can do higher quality posts. I'm okay with those XD
  3. If I join, which I just might, expect Masqposts. If you don't know what those are, ask around.
  4. I may join, as this sounds interesting, but I'm unsure as to whether I would be able to keep up with the post standard.
  5. Roxas, I think with the higher post standard you'll have more material to work with. It's tough to write paragraphs to a one liner, I can understand this. If someone writes a full paragraph and then touches on everything they do with their own character's thoughts or observations about it, it's not that hard.

  6. Last call on this before I stick up the OOC later today....
  7. I'm interested in this still! And this way, I can also make my character for the Magnolia version as well~
  8. Yes, we've been waiting on characters on the Magnolia version for ages. D:

    I'll have the OOC up later. I have several posts I must make that are scattered all over the Internet. XD
  9. Can I still sign up to this?
    ps you´d conviced me with "assassinated".

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