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Dream Weavers.

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Swade9wade, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Now being here for a little bit I decided to try to show one of my rp ideas, and one of them is a bigger project, so that one is gonna be on hold for later on.  This one is a bit more smaller and I felt like it needed a second chance after it not doing so well on another rp site. 

    Little bit of a backstory to how this dream came to be.  It happened in a dream, and the setting was in a mix between a city and a school campus.  All I can remember was this thing I had these two disturbing looking companions with me one be a blacked tattered robe monster that had a chain scythe andbarb wires around its face, and a second creation that looked like a ram with no horns and multiple holes on its body showing its insides and stuff. 

    So that's when it hit me, why not an rp based around these characters having this ability to pull or create something out of their dreams and be sort of their creations for protection or battle.  So after maybe three days I finally came up with Dream Weavers.

    Plot: There is an academy for special people whom have the ability to creating these beings out of their figment of the imagination, but they said they all were created in their dreams. So far from their understanding there is two types of these beings, one being made from good Dreams that take more of the light approach, and one created from nightmares that like what it was described were created from nightmares. The campus was created to help these 'Students' to create their beings still and use them for protection, but as time went by the facility and some students started to use their creations improperly, thus resulting in multiple accidents and almost casualties. This lead to the resolution of a second campus being created, and they went too far that resulted in all students that created nightmare beings to be shipped to this campus while the dreamers stayed in the safety of the original campus. This caused a major outrage for the ones that can only create nightmares, but their pleads were ignored as they were forced to the new campus, and some being away from their friends and siblings that shared the opposite (hell vice versa as well). This resulted into the whole nightmare campus breaking away from the school, and pushing back anyone that tried to take back the campus.

    Years passed and the school continued to educate the so called 'Dream Weavers', and rejecting any nightmare creators in the process. Rumors spread that the Nightmare campus was finding ways of taking down the school to opening up to only nightmare users. This was not true, the Nightmare Campus true intentions was to overthrow the leaders of the school so that finally there can be balance in the system, but thanks to this the students of both campuses are fighting one another and using their creations to aid them. So the question leaves, what side are you on?

    So that's about it for Dream Weavers, if you have any questions, or interested.  I can try to respond as quick as possible.  ^^
  2. Do you character sheets?
  3. Oh why yes I do, let's see if I still have the ones from RPnation, and I do.  ^^

  4. Are these two "factions" opposed?

  5. Oh yeah that one.  See I was working on how many dream/nightmare beings could there be, so I conjured up with three types of beings.  Body leans more to physical fights, Mind leans towards reality, what is and what isn't, and just how close to sanity is the person.  The third one, well, that one is a special case.  See original it was supposed to go 'Mind, Body, Soul'.  With Soul being the third one that was supposed to be the true essence, and as well magical at times, but when I opened it and seeing it had well fantasy races participating in the rp, so at the last second I change Soul into Mana aka the magical juice that all wizards, magicians, witches, and many more uses.

    Though thing about it now I may or may not do changes, and two of them are the renaming of Mana dream/nightmare beings, and/or changing to make it all humans or keep it as a fantasy feel.

    Now I got a bit rusty on what did you mean opposed seeing I rarely hear that word, but yes.  After the segregation of t he dream weavers and the nightmare weavers thanks to the council of the higher dream weavers.  The Nightmare Weavers despises the way on how things are handled as of right now, with it getting worse.  Some would say it was for the better good, while some say it caused much more problems.  With now the Nightmare Weavers starting to cutting ties to the dream weavers with even some of the teachers siding along with the nightmare campus, and resulting in much much much more trouble as of now.

    I may have to do some re-writing in the future, so that it will feel like both factions are fighting for something that have both the 'it is right, but can be wrong though' type of thing.  Like The Dreamers could stay in control, but will separation and disregarding the ones that can harness good dreams be still treated with respect.  Or can the Nightmare Weavers do more good than what is going on with the system, or will this only end in pure havoc.  Something like that.
  6. I'll send you a sheet or two as soon as I can. I'll probably need to make one for each faction so that we have something to write about.
  7. Ah got ya man, and thank you kindly for wanting to join my first rp on here.  Means a lot to me.
  8. Oh, also, I was going to say "I am interested in this" as well.

    I am interested in this.
  9. Sweet thanks.
  10. finna make a character sheet

    Feel honored, newcomer.
  11. So, judging by the character sheet, a character can have three creations? One in each sub-category?
  12. Why yes, but also hybrids are acceptable, but the cost is it will wind down to either two creatures (one pure and one hybrid), but I gave no thoughts yet on a tri hybrid, because I feel these ones are a bit over powered.
  13. I might join up here. Not quite sure yet, though. Interesting concept.
  14. I appreciate that man, actually do.

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