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Dragon Blaze Discussion

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Fallen, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you guys here play the game called Dragon Blaze?  It's generally a phone(iPhone/Android) game, but it can also be played on the computer as well. 

    For those who don't know,DB is a fantasy-mobile RPG(Role-Playing Game).  There are 5 classes(6 if you are on the Korean version) that you can choose from to play us, but there are 3 open slots for characters and other slots are available for 99 rubies(The "gems" of the game, pretty easy to obtain).  The classes are Warrior(Tank), Mage(AoE DPS), Rogue(Melee DPS), Archer(Burst DPS), and the Priest(Healer). There's a huge amount of allies(npc units that you can obtain) to choose from to be apart of your party, but some of them take hours of grinding and lots of gold to level up and obtain.

    Been playing for a couple months and this game is pretty fun, though I can't say I'm any good at it though.  Just started to play the Korean version and they give away rubies for EVERYTHING.  If you want someone to talk to about DB or have any questions about the game just post about it in here!
  2. Does that mean it's cross-platform?

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