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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Xeluior, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Well, Hi. I'm not very good at introductions so I guess I'll skip to the point and say I'm really just here to see how other people RP and maybe get some RP and GM experience.
  2. Don't worry, I'm not so good about responding to introductions. Got a nice yin-yang thing going on that way.

    Anywho, welcome to ZEJ and all that sappy stuff. It'll be nice having someone already so up and willing to leap into the RP scenario. Call me Ziolang, Zio for short if you prefer. I'm known here for being the best RPer this forum has ever seen, with only some minor pride issues on the side~
  3. Hey,
    You can call me Gold or Moon. I'm known here for being the youngest RPer this forum has ever seen or something.
    Since none of the staff reached here yet, I'll get to do the intro. (Suck it Eebit bb)

    So everyone's username so far has been that pale green or whatever- That's because our "standing" is just as members. Which is written under our Usertitle (the thing under your username).

    There are also people with red names and tags- Those are Administrators. You can shoot any major questions you want to these guys. (Of course there's also two Admin with different colors, but that's not important.)

    Green is for founders- with the exception of one, who happens to serve as an Admin.

    Blue names are your Moderators.

    Your um, turquoise(?) names are for Guardians of Galamion- Users who help out with this cool project on the forums. You can check out that info here.

    If you want a quick run-down of staff, you can also get that here.
  4. Howdy, stranger! Welcome to our humble little portion of the internet. I'm sure you've gathered that you are now in the wild, whacky world of ZEJ, and if you're here to roleplay then hey, the more the merrier! I'm Eebit, one of the administrators of this fine(?) establishment. So you're looking to GM, eh? Well, I'll be sure to check out your interest check! I intended to last night but... I had other plans that interfered with that.

    Moon has done a good job of giving you a rundown on what each of the different usergroups do, so I thank her for that! I guess I'll pick it up from there. To give you a rundown on our roleplaying "styles," I'm sure you've found the Interest Check section just fine, and the Out of Character Discussion section is also pretty self-explanatory. The main thing to cover is the separation between Freeform and Statistical Roleplaying here on our forums.

    A Freeform Roleplay is (as you'd gather from the name) rather free-styled and open in nature. It's probably the type of forum-based roleplaying you've seen in the past -- play by post, carry the story, and collaborate to develop your characters.

    Our other section pertains to roleplays that have a statistical aspect attached; here's where you will predominantly find our 'home-styled' brand of roleplay, which is sort of akin to games like Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem in terms of style. If you're looking to learn a bit more about that, then feel free to shoot me a PM! I'd be happy to fill you in on the juicy details and the nitty-gritty of it all.

    Now I've got a few questions for you, if you're willing to answer them. What's your favourite genre? Do you have any hobbies? What are you doing next Saturday?

    Anyway, it's always great to see a fresh face around here! Hope to see you around in the coming days. If I may ask, how did you find this place?
  5. Well, Eebit, to answer your questions, my favorite genre depends on the medium. If it is film I prefer sci-fi, literature: fantasy, tv series: sit-com, and any superhero anythings. For hobbies, not much, I write and draw sometimes. Lastly, how I found this place. Well, it's quite a long story, but if you have the time I'll tell.

    It was a dark and story night To answer that question I must take you back a few years. A few years ago (I don't know the exact date), for some reason I became interested in magic and my friends began calling me a wizard. It stuck throughout middle school and yesterday(?) I was bored since it's summer vacation and I decided to search on Google "RPG Spell systems". This returned a slew of results and the one I clicked on happed to be a reddit link to a person asking for tabletop RPG spell systems that were very versatile. Many of the answers were for "Mage: The Awakening" and "Mage: The Ascension". I had read part of Mage: The Ascention, which, for those who don't know, is a tabletop RPG focused around the idea that reality is fluid and that you can manipulate it. This inspired me to begin playing a tabletop RPG but I have few friends that would be interested and I knew that there were RP forums, but most the one I tried were to big for my liking, so, instead, I searched Google for "Fledgling Roleplay forums" and this was one of the first results.

    Now I feel like an old man in an RPG who will give you an item for listening to his story, but I have no items, only acheivments, here, have one:

  6. Heeeey, welcome to ZEJ. Moon and Eebit gave you the basic rundown so I'll spare the wall of text. (I rarely write big welcome posts anyway)

    I'm one of the admins here, and the resident dragon fanatic and five-tailed fox. Here's hoping you stick around! Some of our members bite, but the community is fairly nice, if quiet. If you're ever in the mood to talk with the community, we have a Skype chat, and a lot of us are usually on our IRC chatroom at any given time during the daytime in the North/South American timezones (and as late as 3-4am CDT lately depending on things). Activity tends to peak between 3pm and 10pm CDT.

  7. Shadow's color is pure vanity, lol.

    Me on the other hand? I'm the guy you yell at if things break who tries his best not to break things even more. :U

    Welcome to the forums, Xeluior!
  8. Hello!  I'm Krista resident advice giver, parental figure and puppy lover.

    If you advice on non roleplay things I am here to help.

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