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‹OoC› ~Mirror Magic: Dreams of a Resolution~

Discussion in 'Out of Character Discussion' started by Mystletainn, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. RE: ~ Mirror Magic : Dreams of a Resolution ~

    Black Rose didn't activate squat.

    . . .

    Needless to say, she will keep up on her "promise" if any of you decided to use DP on that thing.
  2. RE: ~ Mirror Magic : Dreams of a Resolution ~

    Nate's merely pointing out how Black Rose was the only one to not activate it by executing a Basic Attack, Silver. No worries! Rest assured that Lissa will not be provoking her wrath... for now.
  3. RE: ~ Mirror Magic : Dreams of a Resolution ~

    I didn't realize how harsh I must have come off! lol! Sorry! I didn't mean that as an attack, Nate; I merely meant it as an observation, considering she didn't use DP. Either way, let's all gang up on the baddie, I'm sure we can put a dent in it!
  4. [17:44] Keileon okay maybe it's good that thandavi /isn't/ in this because IC she very well might have a wolf heal it
    [17:45] Keileon just to piss off black rose
  5. @"Irouk Inverse", baby, please! I think we all could use a nicely-worded Rhymepost about how she blasted the Phobos into oblivion. Characterization is paramount in these early scenes, and if you're going to land a killing blow, at least do it some justice. ;-;
  6. <IroukInverse> I'm gonna just post her actions
    <IroukInverse> So you can update
    <Espy> OKay
    <IroukInverse> Because I'm in a League game
    <Espy> I'll tell Lava
    <IroukInverse> I'll add the rp post afterwards
  7. Thank you for relaying the information; I wouldn't have known otherwise~
  8. Bonjour, toutlemonde! This is Lava from Espy's account, as I am too lazy to log off of his and log into mine, et plus my laptop functions no more. I will say good job defeating this beast, and I will have explained certain systems when I finish the chapter off for you~<3
  9. ENFIN ! We are DONE with this first battle! I hope it was fun so far. Please attempt to have some in character roleplay finished before I wrap up the 'chapter' per say~<3

    I would also like to draw your attention to the original post, s'il vous plaît~
  10. A quick clarification. New stat boosts are to the base "class" stats, and not to the equipment that you possess!
  11. I'm still a little confused in light of that last post there. Could you explain to me your addition? Because I've got both Lissa's stats and the "Level Up" stats 'screen' up, and comparing the two...

    Lissa's base FOR is already 3, not 2. Her base LUC is at 2, but you have her LUC + Equipment listed there (i.e. 3). In addition, her base IMG is 5, not 6.

    So, in short, your previous post has me a tad confused. Are you giving us these Level Up stats in modification to their TOTAL stats, equipment included? Or is it as you say, and the Level Up stats don't (and won't) include weapon bonuses?

    Forgive me for the complicated post. I'm obviously quite confused, and not at all used to the GM adding Level Up stats for me.

    (Also, I'd like to have Skill XP explained to us. What is it for? What can we do with it? When can we do things with it?)

    ((P.P.S. Are we supposed to just interact with one another at this point, or are you going to post again to move the story along?))
  12. You interact with each other at this point! It is time for each to get to interact with the other - for all the rest of you know, Lissa could be a part of this strange and mysterious evil force, and out to kill everyone else - she just threatened Black Rose! And Noir might be excellent in faking incompetence~<3

    I honestly apologise if this wasn't clear! Please look at the first post of this thread, where SXP and LvXP will be explained under the "Experience" spoiler. You can begin applying SXP as and when you desire, but please pay attention! every one of you _must_ spend at least 2 SXP before the next battle.

    I apologise - I switched the FOR and LUC fields in her Level Up boosts. I will fix this anon - thank you for being patient with me~

    As I have tried to explain above, however, stat boosts are independent of equipment! The Level Up boosts are added to the base component. To take Lissa's example, we shall take her IMG, the +1 stat boost to IMG would be added to the part I shall have underlined below:

    ...hence, the new stats before applying any SXP will look like:

    ...and if you add, let us imagine, 1 SXP to her IMG, you can display the gain in one of two ways (the former is preferred, but the latter is acceptable!):

    I hope I have made myself clear!
  13. Rhyme has been updated, and I'd like to get this R-Skill here

    Excitement - Rhyme can get incredibly excited in the midst of combat, perhaps even a little too excited. Whenever an enemy is defeated or a boss's HP is reduced to or below each 25% increment, Rhyme's body fills with adrenaline, energizing her for 20% of her max DP and granting her Quickened for 1 turn.
  14. I am back! I am sorry for this phenomenal delay. I would like to pick up where we left, if everyone is willing.
  15. I'm still in and waiting for intro.

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