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Disney Bought Lucasfilm?!?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Wonder Smash, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. Huh, I was under the impression that Disney already had some jurisdiction over Lucasfilm, considering the fact that they have a couple Star Wars rides at the Disney amusement parks... Interesting that they plan to release a third trilogy, though, considering the adamant denial from George Lucas over the years. It will definitely be interesting to see how that turns out... and what the response of the fans are.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say it won't be received well by the purists, especially after the prequel trilogy.
  2. Purists never receive anything other than the original x of something very well.
  3. Eh I'm not sure if this a good thing or a bad thing.
  4. The Disney machine just keeps on swallowing.

  5. Abrams is the guy who has had his hand in films such as Super 8, or the Star Trek reboot, and a couple of the Mission: Impossible movies. I think he has a good list of credentials to make this happen in a satisfying way, but as has been repeated in this thread a couple times... the purists man, the purists.

    Any opinions on this piece of information?
  6. I do think that Abrams will do a good job handling the new plot, whatever it is that he conjures/is thrown at him will likely be handled excellently. I can understand why purists would be pissed, but then again, they'd be pissed with just about anything whereas the brand will sell hundreds of thousands anyway, much like how Abrams dealt with Star Trek. I obviously wasn't around for the original broadcast, but I'm a fan of the original series, as well as of the new film series. Shoot me, it's how most of the world will react who are "into" the Star Alliance in our generation, anywho.

    Considering how Abrams has worked with sci-fi and action in the past, I'm expecting an excellently-crafted film. Same for the next Star Trek film, and Metal Gear Solid, which he's directing with Hideo Kojima involved, so I'm expecting it to be both faithful and actually awesome.

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