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TWEWY Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, May 21, 2012.

  1. Seeing as there has been a recent (or not-so-recent) craze of the popular game The World Ends With You sweeping through this forum, (even going so far as to spawn a Statplay version which everyone should definitely check out!) I figured it was high time to create this thread.

    For the uninformed, TWEWY is a... fairly complicated game to explain. It's an action-RPG by Square Enix for the Nintendo DS, revolving around Players who play through a game orchestrated by a mysterious organization known as The Reapers. The game lasts seven days, and each Player is paired forcibly up with a partner in order to Erase the Noise (which are the primary cannon fodder enemies of the game). Complicated yet? Well, there's more. You control two characters at the same time; one on the top screen, and the other on the bottom. They fight with Pins, which, when tapped into, can provide the wielder with different powers (Neku, the main character, is a 'Pin Wizard' of sorts and can use every pin given to him).

    Need anything more? A Wikipedia article on the matter can be found here:


    Yeah. A mouthful. Anyways, in short, this game is amazing, and I highly recommend that you buy it (or do that thing where you totally legally download it... yeah).

    To kick off the discussion of this most excellent of games, in my most recent playthrough, I've used this pin deck:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. This is a good time to also bring to the forefront that TWEWY's characters are being featured in Kingdom Hearts 3D-- although I'm sure anyone who gives a wit about both games would know this already.

    Anyways, I personally praise/worship TWEWY for it's excellent, complex, twisted plot and unique, lively (well, you know... as alive as they can be) characters. The music in it is addictive and worthwhile, and the concept of using pins to fight (in more ways than one) is very original and creative. ALL HAIL SQUARE ENIX you zetta sons of digits! (oh yeah. And Sho helped me in math class)
  3. I realized that I have Neku wearing the Pi-Face's Cap item when I looked at my old game today. He looks pretty zetta awesome in it. But yeah. I find it amazing that they decided to let TWEWY be the first non-Final Fantasy cameo in the Kingdom Hearts series out of EVERYTHING they could have chosen from. I couldn't be more pleased with their decision given the greatness of the game itself. I remember hearing about it from a friend saying that the game (the one Neku plays) only lasts a week and I thought: "So the whole game itself only lasts a week?" So I got close to the end of the first week thinking the game was going to end, and I was praying that it was longer and then Neku's forced to play the game for a second week and I was like: "YAAAAAAAAY!!!" \o/ Also, on a side note, Rhyme is fucking awesome. I love her so much. *u*
  4. I recently booted up my game which I unfortunately had not touched for a while and discovered to my pleasant surprise, that everything was intact - plus for some reason I had three Black Planet pins, though I remembered having only two. :S Anyways, my favourite deck:


    I really like Natural puppy and Pavo Real - Pegaso as well. Most of the time, Shiki and Beat have the former two while Joshua gets mostly Pegaso. Neku gets varying mixtures of all three plus Pi-Face's Cap. I also like Negative Psyches, as evidenced by the fact that my main deck is only negative psychs.
  5. Why haven't I seen this thread before??????

    I love TWEWY so much, it is indeed no doubt my #1 favorite game of all time and needs a sequel :p
  6. I've said it before, and I'll certainly say it again... somebody needs to come out with a way for me to show off my Tin Pin dominance on the internet. I am actually ridiculously good at the game. You may as well call me Shooter...

    ...actually Shooter is Shadow, but that is beside the point!
  7. Um..maybe try record yourself battling someone to show us after :p

    I guess I am decent at Tin Pin. I have my fair share of wins, and some losses
  8. Μεη, Ι τηινκ τηατ ιτ᾽σ νοτ σο γρεατ ασ α μινιγαμε - ανυςαυσ, Ι πρεφερ τηε αψτθαλ γαμε. =\ Ειτηερ ςαυ, Τ΅Ε΅Υ ισ στιλλ α γρεατ γαμε!

    EDIT: Oh fff I apparently had the Greek Polytonic keyboard on. =( Sorry! What I meant to say wasL"Meh, I think that it's not so great as a minigame - anyways, I prefer the actual game. =\ Either way, TWEWY is still a great game!
  9. ^Men, I think that it's not so repeat so a vlifiliff - avocado, I mpreg the anthill yay. =\ Either cow, TWEWY is OTL la repeat yay.

    I believe I concur wholeheartedly. Or, my alter ego in Another Day does.

    [Oh god people how did you get the pin images here?] Anyhow, besides trying--unsuccessfully-- to interpret archaic messages, I should report I played all of TWEWY again recently and it was even more enjoyable than I remembered. This time, everything was easier and more fulfilling since I battled lots of Noise in the first week-throughs (which I normally didn't do). I liked paying more attention to Neku's interactions, and seeing him go from walking away in the middle of a one-sided conversation to becoming assertive and helpful.

    For my Battle Deck, I used [Wolf] [Carcin] [Lightining Rage] (sub)[Final Pyre, All Expired] (sub)[Ice Risers] [Monkey Leisure].

    I, personally, am much more interested in what more we would want to see from the TWEWY world-- not even necessarily talk about a sequel. Just opinionated preferences on what we would enjoy seeing more stories in the TWEWY universe revolving around. Does everyone want to see more Joshua? A story about a Player-turning-Reaper, and delving into the mechanics of the Composer's cronies' lives? Seeing Kariya's life? Anything like that. (lol watch this go awkwardly unanswered. Oh well.) Just throwing this out there-- I'm really interested in how other people see the mysteries in the TWEWYverse.
  10. Fixed my post. X( Anyways, I would go to the TWEWY wiki to cioy image links, and I'm thinking that's what Umbry did. ;)

    Beat's story sounds good, considering that he is basically a PLayer turned Reaper turned Player. ;) And um, I don't really want to look into Kariya's life - he seems to have a bit too many bad memories than he lets on.
  11. Joshua is awesome. Kariya is awesome. I can actually see Kariya as the new Conductor after Week 3 ends.

    On another note, I fucking FINALLY got 100% completion on pin mastery, Noise report(admittedly I had to use a cheat code for this-- apparently two of the pigs I killed never registered in the report and they're unavailable now! Don't worry, they were the only ones I was missing.), and item completion. Meaning on my save screen I now have Neku, Shiki, Joshua, Beat, Hanekoma, Rhyme, and Squirrel Rhyme. :D Working on getting ESP points to max. Currently somewhere in the mid 2000's. Wheeeee.

    Back to the thing with cheat codes, I was experimenting with my Action Replay with a few of my games and managed to get into TWEWY's Debug menu. It's... weird... I barely know what I'm doing and so far have only managed to change the number of NPCs walking around(movement gets REALLY slow if you go above 60 at AMX...), change the number of Noise symbols(the debug calls them noize btw), change which brand is most popular(could be helpful. I hate those quests.), and change the partner in battle(useless since I've beaten the game.) Oh, and I froze the game at one point. Stopped after that for fear of erasing my save file, pun intended. Hacking into the Debug menu isn't so much cheating as looking at how things work, but you need an AR for it. I can provide the code and instructions if anyone wants a go at it. :)

    As for my pin deck... my usual deck is Yoshimitsu, Peace Full, Final Pyre, Blue Blood Burns Blue, Ovis, and Wolf. I'm working on an alternate deck that replaces Wolf with Drake as my Angel-class pin, but I need a replacement for BBBB. I like negative psychs, but Yoshimitsu and Wolf are my only positive and I HATE those fucking frogs that absorb neg psychs. Suggestions?
  12. Basically just kill the heck out of the frogs with BBBB - that's kind of all I can think of ATM. I hate those because generally Imy deck is fully negatives only.

    How on earth do you use the Tether pins though, they're hell annoying to pull off.
  13. The Tether pins aren't so bad, you just need to practice with them. What's really hard to use is some of the Gatito pins. Especially Swift as the Wind & co..

    Anguis is fucking rape- if you can aim it right ._.

    Re; frogs, how does BBBB help? The HP Drain is pretty nuch negated by the fact that the pin heals them. I usually just have Joshua kill them off. Same with Fifenfrogs if I run into them.
  14. Oh, right; worng frogs I was thinking of, my bad. I'll boot up TWEWY later today and figure out a way to kill them.

    Although I don't -think- Fifenfrogs're immune to neg psyches?
  15. Fifenfrogs, aka Noise 7, absorb both pos /and/ neg psychs. The only psych I've found to damage them are psychokinesis pins because they're neutral pins. Luckily the frogs are so rare I don't run into them much.
  16. 'K, those ones. Yeah, I use Sexy B for those buggers.

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