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Mac Museum

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Macintosh, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Credit goes to my sister. She made this cute Pony unicorn girl for me as a background and i'm here to share with all of you. Feel free to download if you'd like.
  2. Jason and Giga. This is a really, /Really/ made up scenario since they are "friendly". Made them in clothes that they would wear in a "night out on EARTH"

    This is my customized forever alone face. If you played the videogame, you would get why i chose this guy.
  3. Revised- This is not anymore mac

  4. M.A.C. features

    Armor M.A.C

    I made this and it took a matter of 2 days to complete. Since other Mac looked mecha cheesy, I decided to make a new version and it turned out better than i though it would. My opinion, WORTH IT!!!

    M.A.C. life unit
    This is the little version of the meter M.A.C displays to show his remaining life. It has been put to size for small post space and for easy recoloring.

  5. Black Assassin art

    -Back view with sword
    Took time, but it all came out pretty well in the end.

    -Laceratin time
    I made this one of him actually using his Impossible blade and about to cut some shizz up.
  6. MAC POSTING (forgot to log out of profile.)
    "Lady Gaga"
    Just a pic of gaga all "dressed up" :p
  7. M.A.C Sky Limit
    Made this because i felt like he needed some new perks for WAY later on.
  8. M.A.C's normal Armor
    Woo hoo! don't have to rely on a description for his appearance.CHECKSUM!
  9. Lady Gaga V2
    Took better shot, made some thicker lines, and added a bit more.
    ~ To Gilbert "Starr"
  10. Allister
    The metaknight of his kingdom of diarahn summoned to slam the gaffle of justice for a pretty lady.
    Hair-Dark silver
    eyes-golden lock
    skin tone-A very defined color on the border of tan and pale.
  11. Armor Cid
    Request from my buddy cid. felt like he needed his helm on. Hope ya like it buddy!
  12. Mac to computer
    It's a picture of mac digitizing itself to Gigas computer and retard Giga Giag alerts him.
  13. Giga and Gigafool
    The true upload of Giga and Giag i have been waiting to upload.
  14. Stocking Figure
    While i was in New York i took a visit to a local anime store and i found this anti-resistant stocking figure that came along with Panty, but i didn't take a picture of it. I will though.
  15. Made this in graphics Mitt Romney Style
  16. More stuff in graphics

    Stocking School Girl

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