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Im gonna leave for a while...

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Cid, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. My life has been really stressfull the past few weeks and this has been causing me to act like a complete dick head to my fellow roleplayers... Ill be back in a week or two once I straighten out my life, and reduce some of the stress in it... so yeah, see ya
  2. Well, don't sweat it man. It's really not that big of a deal; internet bygones will be internet bygones. I hope everything works out for you and that the stress in your life subsides, and we'll hopefully see you again soon. Until then, just take it easy~
  3. Well, good luck with life. =\ It can be a real pain - I hope you're able to sort out your problems! A few words in the way of a TTFN (ta-ta for now αΊ£ la Tigger XD):
    "We hope to see you again!"
  4. I hear ya. I gotta deal with exams right around now, and believe me, they make me wanna tear someone's hair out. :( It sucks that your life sucks as well, but sometimes we just gotta keep moving forward, right? Like Eebit said, don't sweat it too much. Believe me, I took more than a few lengthy breaks due to family/work-induced stress, as some may attest. Anyway... We'll be waiting for your return. ^_^
  5. Never really spoke much but you seem like a cool guy. Hope everything sorts itself out for you :D
  6. *sigh* Real life. Good thing I threw mine into the rhein a few years ago...

    Good luck cooling down and all that. Have a nice "vacation".
  7. well i wanted to see how BWT ends so i hope you come back

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