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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by PunkShock, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Howdy folks! I'm Sparky (or Punky, whichever you prefer)!
    Just your typical rambunctious skater girl with a firey attitude. :3
    Kuda requested that I join you folks, so here I am.
    I'm not new to the role playing forum scene - I've seen a lot of 'em in my time.
    Sad thing is, most of my old beloved sites are dead... ;_;
    So, hopefully, you dudes'll be kind enough to lemme take refuge in this lovely site of yours.
    And if not then... we may have an issue... >.>
    (I'm just kidding xD)
    Anywhoo, random facts anyone? I'm currently a high school student and athlete, love to skateboard and doodle some in my free time, and of course, role playing.
    I'll do almost any genre, however I tend to lean towards fantasy role plays. So if anyone's ever interested, you can hit me up!

    Sorry to make this intro so terse - I'm all over the place tonight.
    I'm looking forward to role playing with you all!!

  2. Heh heh heh, welcome to ZEJ.
  3. Hey there, Sparky! Welcome to ZEJ! :> Glad that you could join us in our humble corner of the internet, as I mentioned in the chat! From what little Kuda has told us of you, I think you'll fit in here just lovely, and I hope you don't get turned away by our current... slow state. :<

    I'm Eebit, one of your lovely and good-looking incredibly capable cool? (let's go with that one) admins here, and also the "E" of the ZEJ. I'm really looking forward to seeing you around here, and I hope you have a good time as well~
  4. I like this girl ^^

    Welcome to ZEJ. Btw, I specialize in fantasy RPs, so I will definately hit you (Not hard though, unless you play rough. Then I'm an animal).

    Also, I'm crazE and eat chickens whole with my bellybutton.
  5. Everyone knows there are no girls on the internet- *shot* XD

    Anywho, welcome, funny, burning personality! I hate sports, so good night! ^_^
  6. Hey Sparky! Glad to see you're familiar with forums; saves me the trouble of "Okay, this person is from Neopets, how experienced with the internet are they...". Like you, I'm into fantasy; in fact, as soon as I figure out a way to get around a *certain person* not posting for mine, I plan to revive a freeform dragon-related roleplay I was doing. A lot of the roleplays around here are fantasy anyway. I hope you stick around, the site needs the activity and I think you'll fit right in here. :)
  7. Hey there. I´m gaarafan. Local One Piece and Bug fanatic (Names are decieving...). I also love fantasy RPGs so I´m sure we´ll see eachother around soon enough. Others: Not in many RPGs, seeing as many started before I made my (late) appearance. Not really a noob, just out of practice.

    Hi and have fun!!
  8. ...Belated welcome? >_< Oh well, a welcome notwithstanding. Welcome to ZEJ, Sparky!
  9. Hi! I'm the local idiot Light. Nice to meet ya!

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