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We need this theme as a choice.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Cid, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. http://mods.mybb.com/view/accord-royal

    We really should get it, trust me. It would be AWESOME
  2. That theme is disgusting and I feel sick looking at it. Please tell me this is a joke :p
  3. I like the foreground - the horrible multicolour bg is ewww
  4. >Purple

    [troll size=large]yaoming[/troll]
  5. Ummm, no. Just, no.
  6. All of the above. ZEJ Dark is perfect anyway.
  7. However, there is a new theme installed for those who like light colors but not the default MyBB theme.
  8. ^ No, I am not kidding. And the rainbow thing is just there until a file is edited to put the name there. It even says so. Sooo... yeah...

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