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Tales of Alidaire: The Abyss

Discussion in 'Statistical Roleplays' started by Masquerade, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. The clear, pristine water of the lake appeared to glow in the light of the rising morning sun.  A soft mist had permeated the area just above the water and the surrounding grassy banks.  Only a few trees dared rise about the lake to offer shade to anyone who might chance upon it, though this particular morning was cool and crisp, for autumn was descending upon the continent of Elendia.  A solitary figure sat amidst some bushes, gazing at the shoreline closest to the nearest town, Benevolentia.  Three odd creatures stood conspiring together--fishmen, to be exact.  Two brandished swords that looked rather worse for wear--the hilts scathed and the blades slightly rusty.  Their sparse iron plates were also in a state of disrepair.  The figure watching them nearly laughed.  The other fishman was different, wearing a garment out of seaweed whilst carrying a rather large white pearl that would probably fetch a decent sum of gold at the market.  The figure licked his lips as he watched, keeping an eye on that shining sun getting higher and higher above the horizon.  He had been watching them for the longest time, ever since they surfaced from the lake.  Rumors around town had it that the fishmen were planning to use Lake Sospita to launch a raid on Benevolentia, possibly overtaking it and using it as their own since it was so close to the water.

    "It seems as if those rumors were true," the figure rasped, brushing his long, dark silver bangs out of his honey-colored eyes.  He stood up silently, taking a moment to wipe the leafy debris from his crimson vest and pants.  However, none of that made much of a difference now.  The air seemed to shift and waver, quaking in a fear perhaps.  The man's entire form seemed to peel back, and what hovered in its place was completely different from what had just been there.  Now, just the image of a ghostly specter remained, its body humanoid and slightly muscled, the legs nonexistent and instead replaced with a long tail-like appendage.  At times, the body would become naught but mist, but the white mask with the blazing azure eyes would remain no matter what form it melted into.  A hissing sound akin to laughter exited its mouth as it sunk into the ground.  Things were quiet for the longest time, but he arose near the shore, startling the fishmen that had congregated there.  They made clacking and glubbing noises excitedly as they armed themselves against the frightening visage of the specter.  Maybe they could take him...just maybe...

    The specter, Nox Tellerin, drew his daggers, one made of sleek obsidian while the other possessed a blade of rusted steel.  He twirled them about expertly, almost as if he were waiting for something.  "I hope the other mercenaries get here, not like I need there help," Nox rasped to himself as he prepared himself for a slaughter.  He was a mercenary himself, quite well-known in the area as being a lone wolf--able to slay things normal mercenaries wouldn't even dream of slaying.  This time, the maker of the request wished for more than one mercenary to go along, and Nox wasn't going to pass up the chance at earning money, even if it meant having deadweight along.  It was the first time that any other mercenary would be able to see him in action.

    Chapter 00: A Simple Threat

    Location: Lake Sospita - Eastern Shore

    Objective: Defeat all enemies!

    Background: ~Over and Done~

    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} B
    {~} { } { } {~} {~} { } { } {~} {~} C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {S} { } { } D
    {p} { } { } { } {G} { } { } { } { } E
    { } { } { } {p} { } { } {F} { } {p} F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {N} { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Nox (Night Specter) *Ethereal*
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 6
    Def: 3
    Int: 1
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 5% --- 10%
    Move: 4 cells --- 5 cells

    Fin (Fishman Warrior)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Gill (Fishman Warrior)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Sealia (Fishman Conduit)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 30/30
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 0
    Def: 2
    Int: 4
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    {p} - Pile of Sand (cannot be occupied)
    Trigger Command: Search (Sifts through the sand. Range: Adjacent.)

    {~} - Water (cannot be occupied)

    Players may start in rows H-J!
  2. "Oh, I certainly wouldn't question that."

    It was as if her very existence was misplaced, detached from the scene which was verging into the beginnings of a battle. The fact Nox Tellerin himself--despite outnumbered--stood almost condescendingly before the three Fishmen did not stop her from following the instructions of the relatively insignificant request she had come to accept. Air wavered, rippling into a third axis of depth which projected a progressively clearer figure who stood, with her arms crossed, in the middle of the visionary anomaly. Stabilizing into peacefulness save for a few seconds of aftereffects, the affected area revealed a female, garbed unsuspectingly as a maid, despite being a mercenary herself as well.

    "Nice to meet you too, Nox. Though we can save the formalities for later."

    Friae Xis Desiche was her name. Her voice sliced through the tension built among the Fishmen and the masked apparition, the famous Nox Tellerin, and it also appeared to reflect her physical features with metaphoric accuracy. Words flowed from her mouth with as much grace as her cascading hair, hued a faint purple, flowed with the lakeside breeze. Her tone remained unchanging, friendly neutral but also concealing a certain edge of frigidity like her own steel gray eyes. After observing the shifting, spectral form with a mesh of cautiousness, intrigue and amazement, her gaze darted to their foes. Strange. I expected better from all of these rumors. Monsters are monsters after all, it seems.

    Letting her arms fall to her sides, and with what it was perceived as a skillful sleight of hand, she procured two knives from particularly nowhere. Their blades were, coincidentally, different in terms of the effects of prolonged usage as one was nearly dull, while the other was hopelessly rusted. Both were fresh with streaks of blood concentrating into their tips, drip by drip staining the sand beneath her with scarlet. A final, darker thought crossed her mind before her thoughts focused on the battle itself, Just like people.

    Friae starts at I6.
  3. {India starts at H5}

    The morning sun had just peaked itself over the horizon, casting a dazzling array of orange and purple across the day's earliest skies. The air outside was crisp, cool, and a much-needed refreshment from his home inside of the town of Benevolentia. Not that he could complain about his house, but sometimes a man just needed the room to stretch his legs. Bright and early, the time of day that best serves a craftsman. India Conundra had risen early, having taken on a contract job as a mercenary - business in the realm of construction was not exactly booming around this time of the year, and he found himself more and more frequently turning his skills as a hired hand in demolition into a side job - mark hunting. It was certainly an easy transition for the rugged man. Carving rock from the ground and construction had hardened him, and he was no easy target to eliminate by conventional means.

    As he walked away from the town towards the specified meeting point, the sun beamed itself down upon his forest-green cloak. The garb itself was, perhaps, a little worse for wear. India did not have the time or the money to replace it these days, as the cost to live in the upscale town that he did was escalating to a point where he was struggling to keep up and pay the rent every month. He frowned at the thought, Never woulda pictured m'self getting into contract killing. He had always thought himself an honest man, just like his father and grandfather before him. Making a living off of their skills. It just so happened that India himself was a little down on the times lately. Commissions from the bounties were quite... bountiful. It made sense for a man of his physique - quite chiselled, just as the stone he cleaved and the objects he shaped through his trade of masonry - to put himself into the realm of fighting... but he did not like it.

    This particular commissioner was looking for him to lend a hand in the bounty placed upon the head of some fishmen. India did not like to question the motives behind his employers, but he had heard whispers that the infamous bounty hunter by the name of Nox Tellerin was partaking in the elimination of the fishman threat. The stonemason tried his best to steer clear of buying into rumours wherever possible, but this was a special case. The particular bounty on the fishman plot was far more intriguing, solely based on the presence of the man. While India did not want to take it initially, it truly only made sense that he would go and investigate the spectre; the one who had cleared so many assassinations of his targets in such a short time, though nobody had ever truly witnessed him doing so. Maybe that's why I gotta be here, India thought idly, Keep the gent honest. Whoever he is. And in India's own opinion, honesty and integrity were values held higher than any other. Entirely without parallel. Perhaps atypical of someone who had chosen to simultaneously work in contract killing and stonemasonry, but such was the way of the world in its present state...

    As he neared the lake - the destination point - he marvelled at the beauty of nature. The way the light was refracted in the placid, tranquil waters. Completely the antithesis of his purpose there today. Peace and tranquility, only to be disturbed by combat on the lake's shore. He approached, noting the presence of five others; three of which bore the resemblance to humanoids, but also had some features that one would only expect of a fish and brandished strange weapons that seemed to be mistreated somehow. They seemed prepared to fight, a fact that caused India to scowl as he lifted his pickaxe from his shoulder. Got a rat in our midst, he thought to himself, choosing not to piss off his fellow bounty hunters before the fray began. I'll do me, they can do them. All tryna make a quick buck, after all.

    He gave a quick look over his allies. A girl with pink hair and blades that were probably once quite menacing and devastating, but were - like the fishmen's weapons - poorly treated and dulled by time. She seemed quite confident in her demeanour, especially her visage, which was adorned with the slightest trace of a confident smirk, but appearances were not to be thought of as an accurate display of character. Not to India, at least. More fascinating was the presence of the figure that seemed almost vaporous in nature. A shade. Not human. India gave the figure a hard look, Nox. Undoubtedly. Though no enemy of his had yet lived to tell the tale, it was not hard to know that he was... different from other hunters. His track record alone was proof of that.

    India grunted as he slammed the tip of his pickaxe into the ground. He was not about to make conversation - not with complete strangers, at the very least. He was simply looking to get this over with, return home after giving his limbs a good stretch, and get on with his craft. No more, no less. And by the looks of things, the fishmen would not put up much of a fight. It was only a matter of who would put up the final blow to claim the mark for himself.
  4. 'Always the dirty jobs...'

    The cynical thought resounded as tired eyes, earthen-colored and slow, brushed across the vibrant ground softly. Almost as if not to disturb anything. Tall black boots, edged with faux fur at the top, passed along the vague path that led to the lake. Sighing and drafting her hands along their respective opposite arms, Desare tried to pull her coat a little tighter, as if to help warm the unlit spirit inside. She was wearing a long, dark coat-- this garb lined with faux fur also-- but despite it, she shivered. Almost not even from the cold.

    'Anxious about starting the new job?' she asked herself. '...I could get killed,' she reasoned in response. Huffing a little through her nose, just to accentuate her despairing to herself, she kept on walking to her destination in vain of the grim thought. 'Is that really so much worse than what I go through on any other day?'

    Prostitution never served Desare well. She had become accustomed to the sacrilege of it, as well as the torturous physical side, but she hated most every second of the job. Most every second of her life, nowadays... 'So what am I, turning into an immoral sociopath? Projecting my hatred of the world onto my victims?' She scoffed at the thought, knowing herself and that she wasn't the type to subject people to her feelings. 'I just need the better pay... this numbing rut in my life has got to end... if that means becoming a mercenary, then that's what I'll do. Anyone's success is built on another person's loss anyway.'

    Desare surprised herself by refocusing on the world around her and seeing herself walking on the shore of the lake already. Looking around, she saw a large man striding towards a small group that was centered a fair distance away, right on the edge of the misty lake. Blinking and merely standing, watching the muscular man walk, Desare wondered at the situation.

    Determining that these people were the only beings visible in the area, Desare soundlessly trailed the man. As she drew closer, she made out more of each figure in the group-- the farthest ones, the black-haired woman guessed ambivalently, were the fishmen; their targets. Desare slowed and stopped as the big man she was following halted nearby the people who must be the other mercenaries-- they all looked strong, at least. She hovered on the edge of the whole group, faint trepidation keeping her from melding along the front line. Smoothing a hand on her abdomen beneath her coat, she touched where she knew that idiotic tattoo of a heart was imprinted on her skin.

    Taking some kind of devil's advocate against herself, Desare drawled in her mind 'At least now I have permission to fight back against what would hurt my body... How many times have I wished I could tear some greasy creep apart with the magic I've learned?'

    Nowadays, Desare recognized that if she had a hope to return to a decent life, she would need to start fighting back.

    {Desare starts at J5}
  5. Chapter 00: A Simple Threat

    Location: Lake Sospita - Eastern Shore

    Objective: Defeat all enemies!

    Background: ~Over and Done~

    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} B
    {~} { } { } {~} {~} { } { } {~} {~} C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } {S} { } { } D
    {p} { } { } { } {G} { } { } { } { } E
    { } { } { } {p} { } { } {F} { } {p} F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    { } { } { } { } {I} { } {N} { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } {F} { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } {D} { } { } { } { } J

    Nox (Night Specter) *Ethereal*
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 6
    Def: 3
    Int: 1
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 5% --- 10%
    Move: 4 cells --- 5 cells

    Friae (Serial Killer)
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 6
    Def: 3
    Int: 1
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    India (Terrain Craftsman) *ALL DMG TAKEN -15%*
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 15/15
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 5
    Def: 6
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    Desare (Detached Prostitute)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 30/30
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 5
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Fin (Fishman Warrior)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Gill (Fishman Warrior)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Sealia (Fishman Conduit)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 30/30
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 0
    Def: 2
    Int: 4
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    {p} - Pile of Sand (cannot be occupied)
    Trigger Command: Search (Sifts through the sand.  Range: Adjacent.)

    {~} - Water (cannot be occupied)

    Player Phase 1!

    So it seemed as though Nox got what he wished for, even if he wasn't particularly wishing for it. The other mercenaries appeared pretty typically save for the rather confident one that had materialized effortlessly near him. She didn't doubt his abilities; that was a good thing. There would be no need to teach her just how great he was. Eh, she can watch and learn. Now's the time to just get this over with, he thought. That one girl had been the only one to say anything; the other two must have been the silent type--a rather large fellow and a woman who didn't look like she belonged on a battlefield, granted fighting some destitute fishmen on the shore of a pristine lake wasn't too particularly intense, at least not in the eyes of Nox Tellerin. "I'll take out the support; decimate their front line," the specter ordered them firmly. Even if they were to object, he'd leave them no choice. He started floating forward with great speed. He fazed through the fishman warrior in front of him and was instantly upon the pearl-wielding fishman in the very back. Blazing eyes the likes of azure fire illuminated Nox's ghostly face as he glowered down at his victim. Yes, a victim now. He watched as the fishman almost seemed to tremble in fear. It was as good as over. The sounds of blades rending flesh broke the silence, and crimson splattered the soft white sand of the lake shore. With any luck, Nox had felled his target. It had been too easy.

    Nox moves to E7.

    Nox attacks Sealia! 4 hits! 6 Dmg per hit! (ATK)

    Too easy, Nox mentally yawned, hovering passively in front of what was now merely sheer carnage. He turned around slowly to face the fishman that had been technically behind him, but now who was behind who? Instead of focusing on his next target, however, he instead eyed the mercenaries mysteriously. Nox was the epitome of a lone wolf, and he didn't care for the people of this realm really, but everyone had a story, and with the faintest curiosity, he wondered what brought these poor saps here to the lake on this day to bear witness to his might where others could only give conjectures.
  6. 'Oh my god... that's a massacre, not a fight,' Desare judged, perturbed by the salvo of violent slashes she had witnessed. That silhouette-- whatever it was-- knew how to kill. 'That must be the mercenary we get the apparent "pleasure" to fight beside,' Desare mused caustically. From her angle, it seemed like the vague form would fit in well with the low, opaque mist that loitered above the calm waters of Lake Sospita. 'The infamous assassin Nox... Some sort of specter every man fears encountering. You've got stories told in small whispers in the dead of night about you, Tellerin. Hmph, would that flatter you? How does a person even introduce themselves to something like that? It would be like meeting the Grim Reaper...' 

    Blinking and realizing she was still in the midst of a battle, Desare glanced around, at the two other mercenaries as well as the remaining, unsullied fishmen. Eyeing the large man a few paces in front of her, Desare tentatively stepped to the side and cautioned forward movement until she was standing next to the sturdy figure. Opening her mouth and glancing up, as if to greet him, she wondered what she would even say. Turning her head back to stare at the nearby fishman, Desare abandoned socializing and decided 'Might as well start off strong-- try to finish this quickly...'

    With that thought, the black-haired woman recalled her basic lessons in magic, and raised her left hand into the air. Feeling a faint breeze, Desare focused on the small currents of air slipping by and caught them with her mind. Manipulating the element, she concentrated the wind energy and gave it purpose. Within a moment, she held a sharp gale-- a completed magic sleight. Encouraged by the success so far, Desare focused on the target. 'So I have to try to kill you now...' she thought ambivalently. Guiding her hand down and forwards in a smooth motion, Desare shot the Tornado Pike at the enemy. 'Nothing personal,' she added, wondering at her own action. Remembering what she endured every day, though, she bitingly thought 'But this kind of stuff never is personal, is it?'

    {Desare moves to H4}
    {Desare attacks Gill using Tornado Pike; 6 Wind Int. Damage; 6 MP (24/30)}
  7. Friae's gaze retained the same layer of calculated indifference even as the phantomic killer, Nox Tellerin, reduced the pearl-holding Fishman into nothing but a bleeding, gashed corpse leaking blood and soaking the adjacent sands a crimson she was familiar with. Bloody crimson, color of death. With an almost ritualistic calmness, the apparent maid stepped towards the place the Night Specter had been moments before launching his assault on the Fishman Conduit, her impenetrable stare focused now on the aquatic warrior--a vaguely metaphoric presence of death looming just behind it--and she only glanced once to the side to confirm the other enemy had been targeted by the newcomers. Who she completely disregarded, at least, for the moment.

    "It shall be swift."

    The words marked the beginning of the Fishman Warrior's abrupt end. The blades of her nearly useless knives shifted with the exploitation of an anomaly, their edges flowing like a restrained, liquid metal attempting to leak out of the bounds of its defined form. Within moments, the motion stabilized--though the weapons did not retain their original, bladed outlines. Somehow, they seemed sharper, as if the very space had been elongated to accommodate and refine the dull edges... Perhaps it was that way?

    Friae moves to H7 (I6 - H6 - H7).

    Friae uses Edge!
    MP: 12/20

    Atk: 6 --- 9 (3)

    Critical Ratio +12%!

    Friae's Edge has 3 Turns left.
  8. {India moves to F5 [H5 - G5 - F5]}
    {India uses Stonecleaver on Gill (E5)! 6 Earth ATK Damage! 10% DEF Reduction!}
    <MP: 7/15>

    Immediately, the fight began without any further fanfare. India decided to not bother introducing himself to the dual-knifed girl or the woman who had an air about her that just seemed off. Something distant about her, as though she was not collectively in the present moment. No, in spite of the curious appearance of the two females, India's focus was on the ghastly, hellish, even nightmarish form of the rumoured bounty hunter. He quickly began to size up the opposition, as well. He had been summoned for a reason; contracted to be a part of putting a stop to the monstrous invasion from the lake so near the capital that he called his home... though he needed the money more than he needed the assurance of the safety. May not be th' honest livin' my father made, but it's somethin'. And something was all that a tradesman like India could hope for, especially with everything that had been going on lately. A man like Nox could just as easily put him out of work. In multiple ways, the burly stonemason added grimly in his mind, coupled with a slight smirk.

    The raspy voice that could only belong to the spectral form of Nox barked out short, to-the-point orders for the three bounty hunters that had come to impinge on what could only be defined as his mark. India raised an eyebrow at his demeanour, unsure of just how far this was going to go. Immediately, Nox surged forth towards the trio of fishmen, targeting what could only be the 'support' that he had mentioned moments prior. 'Ere it is. Get to see the lad's true shine. And in a flurry of slices and gouges, what had once been a living fishman holding a pearl was shredded to nary more than ribbons of flesh and blood staining the banks of the lake. India's eyes widened at the spectacle, and he immediately understood why he had been called to the lake on this early morning; not to eliminate the threat, but to keep tabs on the man. The guise of the contractual job was merely a formality. "Well I'll be damned." India stated, still in awe of the way that Nox had wasted the fishman. It seemed that the two girls had a stomach for the gore, because the one had only barely flinched at the spectacle, and the other seemed almost impressed by it. Strange people... takes all kinds, I guess.

    But as before, the girls were not India's prerogative. The man wanted nothing more than to cleave through his opponents, and earn the quick buck that he had been promised... though the more he thought back to Nox's abilities, the more he realized that such a man could not be left unchecked. He stepped forward, entering the fray himself as a player. "Don't mind if I do..." he muttered to himself in a hoarse voice, finally meriting a response to the command posed by Nox before he sliced the target fishman to bits. The stonemason lifted his pickaxe high above his head, and in a mighty display of force, brought it down heavily upon the fishman with the weathered swords, just as though he were preparing to carve out stone from the ground. "HrrraAAGH!" India interjected as he cleaved through the minuscule defenses of the fishman. This fight would not last long, to be certain. Not if Nox kept up his powerful assault... but what of the girl with the twin blades? Did she intend to enter the fight...? And what was underneath those piles of sand? India could not help but wonder if this were an ambush - if more monsters hid just beneath the surfaces, waiting for an opportune moment to strike...
  9. Gill takes 8 Dmg!

    HP: 12/20

    Gill's DEF is reduced by 10%!

    Sealia takes 16 Dmg!

    Sealia KO!

    Chapter 00: A Simple Threat

    Location: Lake Sospita - Eastern Shore

    Objective: Defeat all enemies!

    Background: ~Over and Done~

    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} B
    {~} { } { } {~} {~} { } { } {~} {~} C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    {p} { } { } { } {G} { } {N} { } { } E
    { } { } { } {p} {I} { } {F} { } {p} F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    { } { } { } {D} { } { } {F} { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Friae's Edge has 3 turns.

    Enemy Phase.

    Finn attacks Nox! 4 Dmg! (ATK)

    Finn waits.

    Gill uses Rising Tides! [ATK +50%]

    MP: 14/20

    Gill waits.

    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} B
    {~} { } { } {~} {~} { } { } {~} {~} C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    {p} { } { } { } {G} { } {N} { } { } E
    { } { } { } {p} {I} { } {F} { } {p} F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    { } { } { } {D} { } { } {F} { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Gill's Rising Tides has 5 turns.

    Player Phase 2!

    Nox (Night Specter) *Ethereal*
    HP: 19/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 4/10
    Atk: 6
    Def: 3
    Int: 1
    Spr: 5
    Evade: 5% --- 10%
    Move: 4 cells --- 5 cells

    Friae (Serial Killer) *CHR +12%*
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 12/20
    DD: 0/10
    Atk: 6 --- 9
    Def: 3
    Int: 1
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    India (Terrain Craftsman)
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 7/15
    DD: 1/10
    Atk: 5
    Def: 6
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    Desare (Detached Prostitute)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 24/30
    DD: 1/10
    Atk: 1
    Def: 3
    Int: 5
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Fin (Fishman Warrior)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4
    Def: 2
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Gill (Fishman Warrior)
    HP: 12/20
    MP: 14/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 4 --- 6
    Def: 2 --- 1
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Sealia (Fishman Conduit) *KO*

    {p} - Pile of Sand (cannot be occupied)
    Trigger Command: Search (Sifts through the sand. Range: Adjacent.)

    {~} - Water (cannot be occupied)

    Nox moves to E6.

    The support was easy to execute as he thought, and a he would have smirked had their been a mouth in his spectral form with which to do so, but there wasn't. Instead, there was just this air of confidence about him. He felt like he was almost cheating with his Abyssian powers, though he had to say the other mercenaries weren't half bad. Their soloing potential is probably less than my own, but they seem to do well enough, Nox thought as he abandoned his spot, hardly feeling the miniscule scratch the fishman had dealt him. He approached the one that the others were targeting and put a swift end to him with another flurry of slashes, blood spray out to drench the sand, crimson essence flowing down his blades and dropping from the point of each. He threw a gaze towards the girl dressed like a maid and wondered what her deal was. He felt the surge of power; it was pretty obvious, but why the weird getup? That was something he failed to understand, nor did he really care. All that mattered was getting this job done. It was pretty boring.

    "Finish the other one," he rasped at the maid girl. "Hope you have it in you." It was almost like a challenge. She said it would be swift, but would it be swift enough for Nox's liking? He turned his attention to the brute and the misplaced woman. "Take a minute for recon if you want. Not sure if there are any more of those bastards around," he gave further direction seeing as how he had just picked off their primary target with immense ease. Surely it couldn't be fun working with Nox; he stole all the kills. As if these greenhorns take pleasure in this work. Anyone dense ass fucker could figure out they're only in it for the money because they absolutely need it, he hissed mentally, watching the blood dripping from his blades slow in pace. He slashed the air to get any remnants off before keeping them on hand in the case he needed them. If there were more lurking about, he wanted to be ready despite their threat being rather low. He hardly felt the attack from the other fishman. He kind of wondered what the others would feel...

    Nox attacks Gill! 4 hits! 6 Dmg per hit! (ATK)
  10. It was a challenge Friae had already accepted, even before the Night Specter himself had spoken it. She specifically waited for visual confirmation that Nox had indeed achieved his second kill, and then, the Serial Killer acted for the one and only time in the encounter. She carelessly tossed one of her own vibrant, enhanced weapons into the air between her and the Fishman Warrior, and before the glimpse of rusted metal that seemed to appear between her fingers was fully registered, she performed a swift, throwing hand motion.

    With the size and amount of the metallic needles, each projectile several inches in length, the attack was logically impossible; and yet, here they were, flying straight ahead with such precise, deviationless trajectory. Sharpened points with a familiar outline of power--the same one that was present in her cutting edges. As there was barely any perceivable gap of time between launch and contact, so was the case with Friae's very actions. A step forward complemented with a spin allowed the next needle to gain momentum, a line of motion appearing in the form of a short trail of cold blue energy as the projectile was immediately embedded in the creature's skin.

    The calculated indifference of her stare was only overpowered by the calculated brutality of her assault. Friae dashed forward, her form all but a phantom image as she crossed the interval of visible space between her and her victim like if it was nothing. She caught the knife in the way, which already falling towards the sands below, and slashed. The blades sliced through tissue, hacked muscle and snapped tendons with as much ease the crimson sprayed forth from the double, crossing gashes that were imprinted on the enemy's body.

    And, as the corpse fell, Friae allowed herself to calmly retreat backwards to her previous position, as if nothing had happened at all. Only that she now had a contented, light smile. "And swift, indeed it was."

    Friae uses a Secondary Attack on Fin! 9 Atk Damage.

    Friae links Target Shot! 9 Atk Damage!
    Accuracy: Sure Hit
    MP: 6/20

    Friae links a Basic Attack! 2 Hits! 9 Atk Damage, 9 Atk Damage!

    Friae waits...

    Friae's Edge has 2 Turns left.
  11. {India activates Trigger Command: Search on Pile of Sand (F4)!}
    {India moves to F3 [F5 - F4 - F3]}

    Despite being directly available to be the target of the fishman's attack, it seemed more occupied with preparing itself to strike against him than it did with tackling him head-on. Mayhaps it sees how pointless it'd be, India chuckled cynically to himself. Indeed, he felt that he was quite adequately prepared to fend off any of the attacks that could be thrown at him by the seemingly impotent fishmen, especially with how much work he had poured into perfecting his craft of masonry. India was confident that his labourious work over the carving of stone had rendered him rugged, but polished in his defenses. This brief battle was certainly going to be finished within a matter of minutes; his own defenses far outmatched any attack that could be thrown his way... and then the fishmen had to worry about Nox Tellerin. Yes, the infamous bounty hunter's reputation had preceded him quite accurately.

    The thin rasp of the spectre's voice seemed to trail out mockingly towards the maid-girl, who had been standing by in an alert sort of way just moments previous when he had looked at her last. The taunt was interesting, considering the man had singlehandedly done away with the support, and was now moving on to the target that India himself had been chipping away at, excavating bone as if it were the boulders he had to clear from rugged terrain, in order to create anything himself. The craftsman braced himself, his brow furrowing as Nox relieved him of his duties. The crimson of the fishman's blood spewed upon his clothing and his face, drawn free and spattering from the twin blades of the shadowy spectre. India wiped clean his visage as he gave a solemn, curt nod to the other bounty hunter. One of the two blades wielded by Nox glinted in the rising sun as India passed his gaze over it. A particular aspect caught his eye - a yellow gemstone embedded in the middle. It seemed to speak out to the man... Beautiful piece o' work... he shook such thoughts from his mind for the time being. The ornamental nature of the blades would have to wait - India was not entirely sure what would happen once Nox was finished with his mark. He kept a wary eye on the spectre as he dismissed India and the seemingly not-all-there woman behind him from their 'duties,' asking them to perform some brief recon. It was fine with India - he was a simple craftsman, after all, not entirely cut out for the business of massacre like half of his allies appeared.

    And speaking of massacre, the maid girl had gone on to show her prowess in the murder arts. Her previously passive nature was shown no more, as India observed from his position. A glint of silver crossed a trajectory between her and her target as she leapt in for the kill, shredding the last fishman standing with ease not dissimilar to Nox himself, as though she were offering a taunt in response to his prior calling out. Reckless hacking and slashing had brought the final fishman - and their apparent plot - to a swift end. The girl smiled at her handiwork, clearly proud of what she had accomplished. India could understand that pride... and for a moment, he almost wanted to celebrate with her. But that was foolish, for their crafts were leagues apart. "Helluva job this was..." he muttered to himself, turning back to the pile of sand that stood nearest him.

    He lifted his pickaxe, giving a forceful shove into the pile. It was enough of a push to either collapse the sand pile, or at least unearth whatever lay beneath its veil, India reckoned. He was well aware of his strengths, and while they did not lie in the techniques of murder like the maid girl and the infamous spectral being known to him as Nox, he could certainly dig up treasure... or trouble, if that is what the Fates had in store. He inhaled a bit, almost exuding a half-sigh afterward. "S'time to get going. The deed's been done."
  12. India searches the pile of sand!

    Small Mana Potion is found! [Added to Inventory]

    Fin takes 28 Dmg!

    Fin KO!

    Gill takes 20 Dmg!

    Gill KO!

    Chapter 00: A Simple Threat

    Location: Lake Sospita - Eastern Shore

    Objective: Defeat all enemies!

    Background: ~Over and Done~

    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} A
    {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} {~} B
    {~} { } { } {~} {~} { } { } {~} {~} C
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } D
    {p} { } { } { } { } {N} { } { } { } E
    { } { } {I} { } { } { } { } { } {p} F
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } G
    { } { } { } {D} { } { } {F} { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    All enemies have been defeated!


    +2 - Fishman Warrior x2
    +2 - Player Phase completed less than 10
    +2 - No D-Abilities used
    +2 - No Player Character KO
    +2 - No Items used
    +1 - Fishman Conduit x1
    +1 - Treasure obtained


    Nox: 0/10 --- 12/10
    Level UP!
    3 Stat Points gained!
    Next Level: 2/10
    Current DD: 8/10

    Friae: 0/10 --- 12/10
    Level UP!
    3 Stat Points gained!
    Next Level: 2/10
    Current DD: 4/10

    India: 0/10 --- 12/10
    Level UP!
    3 Stat Points gained!
    Next Level: 2/10
    Current DD: 1/10

    Desare: 0/10 --- 12/10
    Level UP!
    3 Stat Points gained!
    Next Level: 2/10
    Current DD: 1/10

    Skill Points Awarded!

    +1: Nox, Friae, India, Desare

    The Party receives 16 Gold!

    Items found:
    ---Scrap Steel x2
    ---Pearl x1

    Edit your profiles, please~ Update will come shortly.
  13. All of the fishmen lay gutted and cleaved, a couple no more than a pile of flesh and guts, there previous forms unrecognizable. Nox hovered in place, taking in the gruesome sight with utmost glee, but it didn't show on his expressionless face--at least not in his current form which seemed to be receding and solidifying into a different state. For a moment, his entire being was shrouded by a cloud of darkness, but as it dispersed, a tall, dark-skinned gentleman stood in the place where the specter once was. With a cocky grin, he moved a hand through his spiky, darkly tinted silver locks. His olive undershirt was spotless, as was the dark crimson vest that he wore over it, though with its color, it might have been covered in blood and no one would know the difference, granted his rather tight-fitting pants were similar in color. His black boots had a slight sheen to them as if they had been recently polished, and he hadn't worn them out in the dirt, but as a mercenary, surely he had to have. The two daggers the specter had been using were now sheathed and hanging from a black belt that the man wore, the golden buckle possessing a faint skull motif. His eyes were human in appearance, but the color--it was the same hue as the fire that burned in the specters eyes. Azure. Stunning. Beautiful.

    The man crossed his arms. "Well, well," he rasped aloud, gazing at the others who had lingered around. They were all bound to go collecting their reward now anyway since what had to be the easiest mission he'd ever taken had been completed. "We're not done yet." The man spoke that as solid fact. There wasn't any doubt in his mind that they were done. They would make their way to get their reward, but there was more to this mission than met the eye. Who would call on his prowess for something as menial as this task? The normal soldiers patrolling Benevolentia would have been able to take on this task, so why go through the trouble of getting all these people gathered together in order to get rid of a menial threat? Things weren't adding up at all. "Please tell me that you all know that?" His azure gaze fell upon the chick in the maid get-up who turned out to be a force to be reckoned with after all. "How about you, eh? Is your wit as sharp as your blades?" he taunted in a somewhat playful manner.
  14. Friae watched nonchalantly, from her position, the bleeding, twitching masses that once were the Fishmen. Pathetic, she thought, as her own observation proceeded towards the rest of the area, though it appeared to be as silent and calm as she had sensed it when she first arrived. Perhaps deceptively so. Her scanning gaze soon found itself fixated, however, in the Night Specter himself. With a condensation of darkness dissipating, it revealed Nox Tellerin in his better-known humanlike form... It was a deep contrast in terms of appearance, compared to the shifting apparition she had seen decimate two enemies in quick succession.

    "Well, well," he began, his azure irises now fully staring at the others for what must have been the first time, "We're not done yet."

    Of course they were not. There was something notoriously amiss among everything, not to mention the fact that while the requester had gone through the trouble of asking them to team up, the actual mission was, all in all, laughable in terms of threat. Without ever putting away her knives--enhanced edges losing the strange magic she had applied to them--Friae smiled lightly, though still portraying a certain confidence and collected demeanor that did not seem to waver, "It's as sharp as a last breath."

    "It seems to me that certain information has been withheld from us." Friae crossed her arms, weapons not even scratching her own attire in the motion, "What exactly do you suspect, Nox?"
  15. Making a point to avoid looking at the gruesome corpses of the Fishmen, Desare gazed up at the morning sky, sighing wearily. Apathetic eyes scanned the burgeoning canvas-- as it was, vibrant and comforting hues were accruing, radiated pridefully by the sun as it drifted further towards the apex of the roof of the world. 'It's not like it was so horrible,' she admitted. 'They're just fishmen-- not even humans...' And yet she felt a stone of contrition beneath her heart. 'What were they even doing... Probably just trying to help their own chances of survival. And then we came, ordered to eliminate them, to protect our own society... when I'm wondering if it's even worth fighting for.' Yet, why did the sky look a little brighter today, from her perspective?

    "We're not done yet," Desare heard Nox state with certainty. She returned her gaze parallel to the ground, staring at Tellerin and taking in his new form-- that of a human, striking in appearance. 'A shapeshifter,' Desare mused, a little interested. 'Wonder what his life's been like...' She almost wanted to ask about it; a spectacle like him didn't come by every day, and she was intrigued by the mystery that surrounded him more thickly than the mist of the lake and the fog of his Specter form combined and multiplied several times over. Nox's was the type of story nobody could resist desiring to hear, even if it could give them nightmares for weeks or cast a new shadow of perspective on their world view. "Please tell me that you all know that?"

    'Suddenly there's supposed to be more to the picture than a couple of slaughtered Fishmen?' Desare wondered dubiously. "It seems to me that certain information has been withheld from us," said the dangerous-looking girl who had cut one of the Fishmen to pieces on her own. It occurred to Desare right then. Speaking aloud, voice clear, she asked, "You think there's a larger force somewhere nearby? We're only getting paid for the Fishmen, but there'd be no choice but to eliminate anything else that attacks us. Is it usual for mercenaries to get conned like that?"

    'Figures that something like that would happen on my first day as a mercenary. Getting tricked into more work like that... then again, this is still on the dirty side of the business spectrum.' Thinking at the sentiment for a moment, Desare added cynically, 'Then again, is there even such a thing as a straightforward business? Honest men don't get mountains of gold.'
  16. Kyte ran feverishly through the town, as it was battered and torn before his eyes. Strange creatures the likes his young eyes had never seen before raped and pillaged the town. He vaulted a small section of crumbling wall and sprinted though the fire, dusting off the embers that clung to his clothes, lining them with soot.

    Running through the streets his thoughts were scattered. The small Vulpine boy knew he needed to get help, but from who? He turned around a corner quickly, giving himself a few moments to collect his thoughts. ”Think Kyte, think...” He clamped his eyelids shut, straining his memory to remember anything that could be of use.

    He little fox remembered tell of a small group of mercenaries; and something about a Nox. He couldn't exactly put his finger on why that name was so important... Suddenly, he heard a loud shriek from behind him. Kyte didn't much care what caused it, however he did know that it didn't sound good – that got him running.

    He sped through the last portion of the burning city, the sounds of cries and screams were deafening to his sensitive ears as he neared a wall that led to the beach. He could feel his throat burning from all the running, and his legs ached. He used up the rest of his energy to sprint to the low stone wall and give a mighty leap.

    soaring over...

    catching his leg...



    “Oof!” The fox gasped as his face hit hard sand, giving him a clear idea of what the beach tasted like. Kyte stood up and spat in disgust, wiping his tongue off with his paws. He made a cursory examination of his surroundings, happy to see that he had at least gotten to the other side of the wall. He gave one last spit before he began walking along the beach, not bothering to be quiet seeing as the citizen's seemed much more entertaining to – whatever they were...

    Two minutes passed as Kyte walked, scanning the beach for a sign of life. Conveniently, there in the distance – 4 figures. They looked to be human, hopefully they were the understanding type. ”Hey... heeeeey!” he yelled as he sprinted towards them, waving his arms frantically. He made good pace, his stubby legs making deep impressions in the sand.

    He skidded to a stop as he was in arms reach from the group, tilting his muzzle away due to the smell of fresh - “Dead bodies!?” He exclaimed. He averted his eyes from the horrific scene, and tried his best to pretend they weren't there as young boy looked to each person in turn, contemplating who would be the best one to talk to.

    In the end, Kyte settled on the large man wearing a green cloak, brandishing a large pickaxe. He seemed amiable enough. Umm, dude – err, S-sir!” he corrected himself, trying his best to be mature, but even that was hard – he'd never really done it before. ”The- Um, the city, it's being attacked! The people, err... the monsters – the things, THOSE THINGS!” He pointed to the shredded corpses of the fishmen. ”They' attacked the city, they're everywhere! They're clever too, I bet those ones wanted you to kill them – yeah, just so the other ones could sneak in!”

    The small vulpine boy danced from hindpaw to hindpaw, trying to give some clarity to himself and what he was trying to say. He stopped and took a breath, calming himself slightly. ”The guards are overrun – I bet they're all dead and its getting worse – you have to help them, err... me, you have to help me! You... do know where the city is right?” He said raising a brow at the large man. ”C'mon, I'll show you anyway – Just, I wanna be at the back, OK?”
  17. Nox was certainly apt to respond to the question returned to him regarding his suspicions, but something caught his ear, and the air definitely felt strange. The feeling that something else was going down was even stronger than before. The tall man turned and gazed into the distance with his sharp eyes, catching something dashing along the shore with the utmost sense of urgency, or at least from what the specter could tell. It was revealed to be a kid, a member of a fox tribe at that. He went up to India and sputtered pleadings of returning to the city. It was apparently under attack by the fishmen. Nox picked that up when the boy emphasized that by pointing at the shredded bodies of the fishmen they had already disposed of. The guards were surely being massacred--this was a full-scale invasion. How did no one see this coming?! A subtle growl escaped Nox's lips as he glanced in the direction of Benevolentia, the place he had called home now. He already hated fishmen, and to cross the line that they had--they were going to get it. That was that. Nox would paint the streets in their aquatic blood.

    "THAT'S what I had in mind, maid," Nox rasped as he roughly seized the boy by the shoulder. "No need to show us; we've just got to make it back to town. Stay behind us, got it?" he growled before taking off across the sands of the shore of Lake Sospita. Eventually, he made it out of the sand and onto the dirt path leading up to the southern gate to the town. The closer he got, the more of the devastation that he could see. He heard footsteps behind him--surely the treading of the others in tow aiming to save the town. Eventually Nox came across blood staining the dirt. There were a few corpses around, ones that were almost as mercilessly disassembled as the fishman corpses back on the shores that the mercenaries had done away with. Talk about karmic retribution, Nox thought with dismay, passing the bodies until he reached the absolutely destroyed gate to the town.

    The brick wall surrounding the town in this section had been blown to smithereens, piles of rubble and fallen debris scattered all about the area. Farther along the street, buildings had been destroyed, some still on fire. Other fishmen were tormenting the citizens and wrecking property. It was a complete disaster zone. Fires all over the city unleashed their black, acrid smoke into the morning sky like a dooming haze. Just at the entrance stood a group of fishmen. A couple of more heavily armored fishmen were chatting excitedly in their weird language while a couple others surveyed the area, checking corpses and the like. These were garbed in different shades of seaweed, their scaly skins painted in matching colors. The familiar appearance of the pearl-holding fishmen from before could be seen, two of them to be exact. All of their tasks were interrupted when they realized that they had intruders to deal with, and all of their milky gazes fell upon the group of mercenaries now with the addition of the fox boy.

    Nox drew his blades, twirling them about expertly. "Ready yourselves for battle," he commanded of the others. "We've got a long way to go."

    Chapter 00-A: The True Danger

    Location: Benevolentia - Southern Gate

    Objective: Defeat all enemies and protect Kyte!

    Background: ~Pursuit of Salvation~

    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } A
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } B
    {w} {r} { } { } { } {r} { } {w} {w} C
    { } {r} {r} {A} {K} { } {r} { } { } D
    {G} { } {r} { } { } { } {r} { } {r} E
    { } { } { } {C} { } {D} { } { } { } F
    {r} { } { } { } { } { } { } {L} { } G
    { } { } { } { } {N} { } { } { } { } H
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } I
    { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } J

    Nox (Night Specter) *CORPOREAL* *ALL DMG TAKEN -10%*
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: 8/10
    Atk: 7 --- 8
    Def: 4
    Int: 1
    Spr: 6
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    Caval (Fishman Knight)
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 15/15
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 5
    Def: 5
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Duag (Fishman Knight)
    HP: 25/25
    MP: 15/15
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 5
    Def: 5
    Int: 1
    Spr: 2
    Evade: 3%
    Move: 3 cells

    Gunj (Fishman Guerilla)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 6
    Def: 3
    Int: 1
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    Legat (Fishman Guerilla)
    HP: 20/20
    MP: 20/20
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 6
    Def: 3
    Int: 1
    Spr: 4
    Evade: 5%
    Move: 4 cells

    Ailise (Fishman Conduit)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 30/30
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 0
    Def: 2
    Int: 4
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    Kardra (Fishman Conduit)
    HP: 15/15
    MP: 30/30
    DD: --/--
    Atk: 0
    Def: 2
    Int: 4
    Spr: 3
    Evade: 1%
    Move: 2 cells

    {w} - Wall (cannot be occupied)

    {r} - Rubble (cannot be occupied)

    Players may start in rows I-J!
  18. {India starts at I6}

    India looked on as he easily cleared away the sand, uncovering a small potion that seemed to have been placed without any true care. It didn't matter how it got there, but seeing as nobody was in any real rush to take it from its present location, India decided it would be best to take the liquid for later. After all, who knew when something like that would come in handy... Heh, these days, it's hard to tell. Rough times had fallen on him of late - hence his reason for turning to the profession of bounty hunting. Worst came to worst, the rugged, grizzled man would be able to sell it back to turn a half decent profit. Yes... that'll do me well enough, he thought with a slight grimace. It was no cakewalk living these days...

    As he turned back from the pile, he saw a very large mass of darkness where he had last been looking at the spectral being he now identified as Nox... but the famed bounty hunter was nowhere to be found. As the twisted conglomerate of shadow began to disperse, in the place of the blazing flames and mass of vaguely-humanoid shadows stood a normal, dark-skinned man. Entirely human, save for the stunning, passion-filled azure eyes, twinkling in the morning sun. India was taken aback entirely - was this still Nox? The rasping voice gave the newly-human man away, though India found it incredibly hard to believe that such a man had been an abomination of shadows just moments before. "That's one helluva magic trick you've got there, Tellerin," India spoke, hoarsely at first, but cleanly as he continued. "I'm not sure I know whatcha mean, however. We've finished our job. Why not just go home...?" His question had been voiced by the maid-girl, who seemed skeptical, but not enough to be at all concerned. Just who the hell are these people...? India thought to himself. Nox's transformation, the deathly calm of the assassin-maid, and the still-peculiar third girl who seemed incredibly new to the whole business of mercenary work confounded India. Never before had he needed to work with such an odd bunch...

    Turning to the rather quiet woman, distant as ever, but still quite beautiful in appearance, India spoke, "We're not gettin' conned. Nox just seems to think somethin's up elsewhere, I s'pose." And in India's mind, he was completely accurate in his assumption. He wanted to get home to open up shop before the midday rose, so he could still make a few dollars from his true profession, instead of wasting his time outside of the city... but until they came to an exact consensus that they would be heading home, India would be stuck outside of the town of Benevolentia. Such a waste of my time... better to reap the rewards of my quick labours than to not. But in the back of his mind, something told India that he was not quite finished yet. A nagging suspicion that there was something amiss with the request... had they truly been sent solely to keep tabs on Nox? Why would it take three of them to simply observe him dice a few of the fishmen? And why the fishmen in the first place...?

    Disturbed from his thoughts, India saw a small figure running at full speed towards them... and falling flat on its face. He puzzled over the sight before the silhouetted figure bolted towards them, running straight to him. Immediately, the little kid called him 'dude,' before attempting to correct himself. India smirked nonchalantly - it was not like he hadn't been the kid's age before... but then he caught sight of the boy's strange features, and his smile faded. The boy was not a boy at all - no, he was strangely humanoid... but he bore strong resemblance to a fox. Perhaps, in fact, the orange-furred boy was an animal brought into human form. After all, stranger things had happened today. A sidelong glance to Nox was cast by the burly man, before he knelt down to be face-to-face with the small boy.

    "What is i-" No sooner had the words escaped his mouth, half-formed, before the boy launched into a tirade of quick, sputtered, and fragmented information. India found himself trying to cling onto the boy's thought process as he talked about the fishmen, and speculated that these had been bait for the entire operation. They had been conned - nobody was asking them to keep tabs on Nox at all. It had all been a lure to remove them - a talented group of mercenaries - from the city, so that they could invade. "Shit." India cursed allowed. "Steaming bloody pile o' shit." He turned his head away from the boy, standing up, and looking back to the girl, "Seems we've been conned after all, m'lady," he nodded his head at her, signifying his respects, "Good call o' yer's, that." He turned back to the boy, looking down at him, "Let's go then. Lead the way. Can't have mere weak fishmen breakin' the hard-built walls..." A grim thought crossed his mind, however, as he spoke those words. Even though that ought ta give me some work for the future.

    Nox seized the boy's shoulder, which was odd to India, as he had not seen Nox creeping up in his field of vision. Apparently Nox already had figured out what was going on, and felt that the boy's lead would only slow them down. Fair assumption, India supposed, given the boy's rather graceless entrance to their little beach party. As they moved towards the city, India could understand the scope and the depth of the damage. It did not bode well for his business if his craft store was destroyed in the process of the invasion of these fishmen... but the walls were laid to rubble, and smoke billowed high into the sky, painting the scene for a battle. The guards had easily been overpowered... perhaps the sea people had gotten their worst to lure away the group. How easily we were double-crossed... India thought, more than a little frustrated with himself. Brandishing his pickaxe, he prepared himself to face the myriad of fishmen. They wouldn't give up the city without any fight.
  19. "A misdirection...!" she practically hissed, gray eyes darting across the scene before resting at an indefinite point--the direction where Benevolentia was supposed to lay. Through the direly-relayed information and the turn of events, the waiting edges of the blades coursed an entirely new thought process to her:

    Blood will be spilled.

    The Serial Killer did not have to be prompted further. The correction carrying her name, layered with her unusually collected voice, was barely spoken to Nox before he and the others eventually had to depart with haste...

    "Friae Xis Desiche."

    Flames stretched towards the sky, threatening to darken it under an ashen blanket of resulting smoke, fueled by the ruins of the former buildings of the city. She indifferently gazed at the mauled corpses of the guards and even poor citizens who had succumbed to the scale of such unexpected invasion, while assuming a brisk pace to not fall behind. Quite the reversal of roles, she offered to herself, sharp gaze trained on every silhouette against every crumbled wall, distant blur, and veil of dust.

    And when they stopped, the opposing group of Fishmen turning to face them and impede them from advancing, she merely stood, without ever raising her knives. Waiting.

    "Regardless, this will be an interesting day."

    The corner of her lip twitched faintly into a smile.

    Friae starts at I5.
  20. Kyte starts in J1!

    Kyte followed the group nervously, afraid that they were planning to use his as a distraction for the fishmen. How could he be sure that they didn't see him as a little furry expendable? He definitely didn't like the look of the one in the maid outfit, and Kyte was pretty sure that following someone like that was sure to get him in trouble. The small fox twiddled his thumbs as he paced himself slowly, making sure to give himself a large amount of distance, but still staying within range of them in case he was attacked.

    He knew they were headed back into the city, he also remembered that he offered to lead them back. However, the little fox knew that he didn't really wish to be back at the city at all, he simply wished to run away - hide from the chaos and be safe from whatever those scaly freaks that attacked the city. He could feel fear building up inside him, anxiety that would've easily warranted tears if he weren't surrounded by complete strangers. He sucked a breath in through his lips to quell the tears.

    As they neared the city, he saw the fire, the smoke and the smell of death. There was still fear inside him, but it was accompanied by a source of anger, a sense of realization that he was too small and insignificant to do anything about it - that he was just a small pawn sent to warn the bigger pieces that trouble was approaching, and that all pawns had to fall... Kyte shook his head, erasing the thought of his own demise. "I can't die yet... I have to wait until I'm an old man and die in a hospital... no, no... I won't die ever... not ever." He began mumbling to himself as they enterd the town, the small fox's gaze set at his feet, to afraid to look at the masses of rubble and corpses that surrounded him.

    Kyte senses snapped into action as he heard foriegn sounds, and other strange aquatic noises his ears didn't understand. He gazed around, seeing burning buildings and a mixture of smoke and strange milky-eyed fishmen holding large round objects, cradling them like their next of kin. These were the things that attacked the town - the things that destroyed the only place Kyte ever knew. The little fox was angry, he wanted to do something, make them pay for what they had done. But how could he? He was just a boy, nothing more. He clenched his fists and let out a high-pitched growl, showing his distaste for these monsters. "Those things... MAKE THEM CRY!" Kyte yelled at the group, venting his anger in the only way he could.

    Kyte moved himself into a corner, the place he felt most safe knowing he was the farthest from the fishmen. He stood his ground and looked to the others, still wondering why they wanted him to come along - did they expect him to help? Did they assume he wanted to be back in the city? Kyte wasn't sure, but he just knew that the farther he was from the fishmen, the better.

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