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[Statplay|Fantasy] Dichromic Desctruction

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Gist, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Yes and no. Black and white. Left and right. Dark and light. Things are always split and boiled into two choices, only one or the other. If one tries to go from the beaten path, they are sought after and destroyed. One is not allowed to have a different opinion, lest ostracization will surely follow.

    The only thing that the people of the land of Nervana desire is the freedom if diversity. They covet the ability to make their own decisions, as they have seen in the history of ancient past, but the Force will not allow it. They have tolerated the tight laces that they are bound in for quite a long time, yet their discontent grows more and more with every passing day. More and more injustice whizzes by at blurring speeds, but they cannot lift a finger to help themselves. However, there are two that are brave enough to try and make things correct within Nervana, but along their pilgrimage, they will find things that are most unsettling, things that are better left alone. The two must search for the holy relic that will heal all. The Chalice of Divinity is the key to making everything grey, it will allow us to have variety, it will let us have choices in what we do. The goal is to find it and restore harmony to this barren land of Aether. Can you bring yourself to rebel against the straight laces of what has been set in stone? Will you be able to bear the weight of your decisions? Only time will tell.

    So yes. I'm trying to do one more roleplay before I go back to school in July. ;~; I believe I'll have two people in this one. This will be either statistical or freeform, I'm not sure which at the moment. But yes, if you're interested in playing, just post here. :3

    Character sheet, btw. Trying something different.

    • Gist
    • ~
    • ~
  2. Seems interesting enough... I might like a bit more information before I actually push forth my 'official' interest into this. Are we supposed to play opposite character archetypes? And is one of the slots reserved for you? I take it you've also decided to finalize it as a statform, based on the title of the thread now?
  3. Oops! I added to the post over on the other forum but forgot to bring it here.
    You're not "supposed" to play any sort of thing.
    Yes, a slot is reserved for myself, bringing the total number of characters to 3.
    Yus, I have. I want to sandbox with a mechanic I'm thinking of. :3
  4. Obligatory revive.
  5. Undergoing reform and the possibility of a co-GM.

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