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Only here for certain things....

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Fallen, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Some of you may know me for bad reasons, others for lolworthy reasons, and others for the good ol' times.  Well now let's get back to the main reasons why I decided to come back.

    I mostly came back for the people I had good times with and I'm sorry that I disappeared from this place.  I'm sorry to Dark, Cid, Nate, etc. for being afk from this place even though they were nice and chill to me.  I can't explain how sorry I am to this person.  Eebit.  I'm sorry I've been ignoring your messages on facebook, but before I was done with this place because of some reasons *coughcough*, but I got talked into coming back by Dark and I finally got off my ass to read your messages and it made me realize I need to come back since I've made a promise to you before and I dont really want to waste your "trust" in me, sorry dude.

    That was the main reason, but there were others like ARKNET and like Eebit told me in a message Spectrum Effect(which I probably won't have spot in before.

    I've been afk for sometime was for some personal reasons about here *coughcough* and that I've been busy with school and band.  Recently, I've been playing with this University Band and we've been having practice 2 times a week, plus I also had marching band already 3 times.  That and I'm currently enrolled in 2 AP classes and if you are in an AP class, you should know how much homework they give out.  And yes I use the "I have a life" excuse a lot, but a lot of us who aren't here "24/7" like some people, actually do have lives or some important stuff to do.  So if anything I'll probably be here once a week so if I'm for more than 3 days don't be like "oh shit he's not coming back, better send him messages or spam his profile."

    This has been a message from Fallen.  Signing out to finish my essay :p

    EDIT: Also, I can guess who changed my Usertitle, and just so you know I am lazy, but not that lazy. Like I said before, left for certain reasons from this site that I disliked, which I will later talk about, if need to that is.
  2. Repeating the statement that you left for reasons about this site that you didn't like helps nobody and tells us nothing more than that there's something about the site you don't like. However if it's what I think it is, then it's your own fault; if not, then there's no harm in telling us what's up.

    You've come and gone so much that I'm skeptical of this new return, but I'm reserving judgement on it for the moment. If you want to be here and mean to stay, great. If you really don't want to be here, that's fine too, your choice.

    I'm not going to give a long "welcome back" for the reason in the above paragraph, but I will give you this: welcome home, if you're serious about staying.
  3. No harm until Shadow shows up and the two of you instantly start harassing him about disappearing like you've done so many times in the past. He does have grades to maintain as well as huge amounts of band practise. In fact, he's actually rarely on MC anymore either.

    Anyway, welcome back man!
  4. You think I don't understand this? Trust me, I know exactly how it is to have shit going on in real life which is part of the reason I've been slow on roleplays lately. However my sympathy ends when promises are made that are not kept, whether it's intentional or not. You make the promise in the first place, you should keep it.

    Either way I don't want to turn this into a flame thread so if you really want to continue this then take it to PM and I'll read it in the morning. Only reason I posted THIS part was because it was partly directed at Fallen, too.
  5. I'm curious khya, what do you think my reason is for leaving so many times?
  6. Two reasons.

    1. Because you have a life. Believe it or not, yes, I completely understand this. This isn't what I'm faulting you for.

    2. Because you don't like how you're treated. See, this is where it starts, imo, becoming your fault as well as ours. I'm not going to pretend that harassing you to post or teasing you is completely called for, but you have to understand something. EVERY TIME you return, you promise to stay. Three days to a few months later, you vanish again. For the people running the roleplays you completely left hanging- including but not limited to ADF, Feywings(now dead), RtW, and even to an extent WAVES, ARKNET Reborn, and CoURP- you have to see things from our side as well.

    Imagine you're running a decently successful roleplay that's just started. One of the characters becomes vital to the scene before the player vanishes. The only choices are to work around it or wait. If there's no way to work around it, and the player doesn't return, the roleplay dies. All the GM's hard work thus far goes down the drain, not to mention the other players'. This is why Shadow didn't let you back into ADF.

    And believe it or not, but when you consistently vanish, it lowers our trust in you, and THAT is exactly why we harass you.

    Don't get me wrong. I am genuinely welcoming you back to ZEJ. But I'm fully expecting you to vanish for a month or two again.
  7. Well if I remember correctly, I am still in ARKNET and in WAVES. From what I've seen as well, CoURP hasn't even gotten near where Blaine and Fallen are suppose to appear, and you're going to give it away? I am genuinely sorry about leaving RtW behind since I had several important characters, I had several important parts to play in it like with Mary and Zemith and also my Lucario part. I don't expect to be let back in it because of my abscence and I'm completely fine with tat.
  8. lmfao. Nice dodging my point, but anyway:

    ARKNET and WAVES I wouldn't know about as I'm not running either of them.

    In CoURP, the system's changing slightly, but as far as I'm aware we only need a couple of relatively short scenes before the IC day is done. I have no idea what the situation with your slot is at this point, as not as much is going to be planned ahead of time. However I did warn you that if you didn't show up we'd have to give it away. So you're wrong there.

    RtW? I don't care if you come back in or not. There's only a minor plot hole right now as Zemith is still right next to Zoltan and Abel, so you can post if you want, I'm just not going to wait for you as long.

    Now how about you address my actual point?
  9. Marching band.....Yeah, I can totally understand you right there. Plus, being in an AP class AND in a University marching band? Wow, I'm impressed you can manage to get online and do everything else. But I'm not going to judge or do anything snark or anything, I'm more of a sideline watcher here.

    You have a life (Which is good for anyone, obviously), band(which I can already understand takes time ESPECIALLY during this time of year), and AP classes, so at least most of us can understand that you have a lot of dedication. Just...in those things most of all, which some of us might be a little upset about. But hey, it's good to see you back and facing everyone about your absence. And I for one missed you :p However, towards the RP's you may have left hanging....well, I wont say much, but leaving out of nowhere isn't very okay tbh. And avoiding it isn't either, even if most of us bark at you endlessly for it. For any future hiatuses, you should at least give us a heads up. Talk to some of us, y'know, communicate. It can spare many of their need to spam you to death, and it can give you some peace-of-mind. But of course, just saying this out of a sideline point of view again. But seeing as you're pretty busy, it's wise to limit how many RPs you join. Trust me, having too much really makes things much harder to keep up on. But anyway...

    Nice to see you around, Fallen :p

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