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Kingdom Project: ZEJ Skills

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Flimzy, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Now it's time for you to make you're character's MAD SKILLS. This is what will make your character truly unique.

    I thought long and hard about how I wanted these in and what I wanted to tell you etc etc

    So I'm just going to dump a bunch of examples, but first, here is the fillout.
    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does
    For our examples, we'll look at we'll look at some of the skills of everyone's favorite super hero, Captain generic!

    Power Slash: Slashes with slightly more power than normal.
    -120% STG 0%PWR

    This is a basic damageing skill. This basicly reads that The skills is a basic attack that does 20% extra damage you can Have a skill that runs entirely on power or a skill that has both, but keep in mind each can only reach 200%.

    Heal: Heals people
    -0%STG 100%PWR

    That would be a healing skill. Please do you best to think of a few supporting skills, no matter what character you are.

    Uber beam: Fires a GIANT FREAKING LAZER WOOO
    -0%STG 200%PWR
    -60% Chance of lazer burn(DoT for 5 turns)

    Some other things of note, when you make up a status effect, the chance of it happening is set to the effect itself and your only options are 80/60/40/20%. So all skills captain generic makes thatinflict lazer burn MUST have a chance of 50% or 100%. Note that DoT may only deal 10% a turn, no more no less.


    I THINK this covers what I want to say, please post any skills you make in this thread ONLY after PMing them to me.

    No need to think them up all at once, and don't be afraid to think outside the box.

    Each character is to have ten skills. No more no less.

    Now if you want to do something REALLY trippy, like have different froms with their own skills and such I'd like you to talk to me about it beforehand. Now uh. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO and use your...


    Eebit Edit: did this for you flembro
  2. My skill list! Got two skills so far and one of them might not make it.

    Mask-Bash: Maskueal uses his mask type weapon to give a solid strike at the enemy. 120%STG 0%PWR. 40%chance of flinch
    -Causes Flinch

    Name of skill: Mask Identity.
    -Gives opponent Charm status

    Name of skill: Masking shield
    - Gives a select ally 30% buff

    Name of skill: Mask Out
    -Stats 150%STG
    - It is an all out attack that uses a mask! Go figure...

    Name of skill: Masking all shield
    - Gives all allies 10% buff

    Name of skill:
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Flinch (Chance 40%): Prevents afflicted from acting. 1 turn.
    Charm (Chance 60%): Forces opponent to attack an ally. 3 turns.
  3. Skills I haz made

    Steel Dart: A simple metal dart is fired at extreme speed to puncture a target's vital point.
    -120% STR
    -Causes: Bleed

    Metalic Wall: A wall of miscellaneous metal fusions is planted into the ground in order to emerge and deflect oncoming attacks.
    -Increases DEF of party by 50% with 15% of wearing out.

    Liquid Steel: Manipulates metal as if it where water, using it to wrap, trap, and then crush the foe.
    -100% STR
    -Causes: Disable

    Iron Engulf: The iron in all foes is increased, making them sluggish.
    -Causes: Iron Blood

    Iron Maiden: Two large slabs of iron are called forth to crush the target from two sides.
    -120% STR
    -Causes: Disable

    Iron-ic End: Makes the iron inside of the target to explode out of them, ripping them apart from the inside.
    -200% STR
    -Causes: Bleed
    -Effects all targets with Iron Blood
    -"Cures" Iron Blood

    Adamantine Hammer: Improves the durability, but also the weight, of his great weapon, allowing to strike foes more potently.
    -100% bonus to STR with 40% decrease to SPD

    Steel Dart Storm: An improvement on the Dart technique, creating hundreds to lay waste to foes.
    -150% STR; all foes
    -Causes: Bleed

    Master Smith: Fortifies allies with rapidly shifting liquid metal that repels opposing attacks.
    -50% DEF and 40% PWR increase to party for 5 turns

    Metalic Ultimatum: Liquified metal washes over all enemies, which then solidifies to trap foes and then impale them with spikes appearing within the cold prison.
    -100% STR all foes
    -Causes: Disable
    -Causes: Iron Blood
    -Causes: Bleed

    *Effects to be explained:
    Disable [Chance: 60%]: Prevents afflicted from acting. 1-turn duration
    Iron Blood [Chance: 80%]: Slows afflicted by 20%. 2 turn duration
    Bleed [Chance: 40%]: Damage over time for 3 turns.
  4. Finally going to do some skills since Flem is bugging me >.>

    Blind Strike: Goes around the target and strikes their back blind spot.
    -120% STG
    -Causes: Paraylsis

    Speed of Cheetah: Improves his speed, but becomes takes more damage from attacks.
    -100% bonus to SPD and 40% decrease to DEF

    Crippled Blow: Emile throws one of his daggers at the legs of his target and slices upward with the said dagger, while slashing the other leg with another dagger.
    -130% STG, 40% PWR
    -Causes: Crippled

    Art of the Assassin: Emile goes into the shadows of his surrounding to stalk his prey.
    -Causes: Stealth

    Red Distraction: Emile pulls out several "red carrot" dolls and throughs them into the air, confusing his target
    -Causes Confusion

    Bloody Hell: Emile strikes both daggers at his target's stomach and then thrusts one of the daggers into there stomach, before kicking it.
    -110% STG, 75% PWR

    Spinal Break: Emile jabs his dagger into the spine of his foe and tears it apart.
    -70% STG, 120% PWR
    -Causes: Crippled

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    Name of skill: Description, or flavor text if name speaks for self.
    -Stats(A basic attack is 100%STG 0%PWR)
    -Things this skill does

    - Paralysis [60% Chance] Causes the target to lose an action for 1 turn.
    - Crippled [40% Chance] Decreases foe's SPD by 40%
    - Stealth [60% Chance] Opponent's attacks will miss, until Emile attacks.
    - Confusion [80% Chance] Causes any of opponent's attacks to miss or damage itself for 3 turns.
  5. ok i am done now that is all folks

    Howls of Death
    Earthen Cleaver: Noira smashes her ball and chain into the ground, violently shattering the earth and spraying projectile pieces of the terrain at all opponents. 100% STG, 100% PWR. Two hits (First Blunt, Second Projectile). Second hit targets all enemies.

    Clockwork Rotation: Noira swings her ball and chain in such a way that the force of impact disrupts the flow of time upon smashing into the opponent. 150% STG, 0% PWR, Blunt. 60% Chance of Slow.

    Stone Barricade: Noira channels her Mana so as to fortify the defenses of one ally for 3 turns. Increases DEF and PWR by 50%, adds immunity to Projectile, fades after 3 turns.

    Boulder Crush: Noira uses Mana to greatly enlarge the ball of her weapon, then using it to crush and paralyze her opponent. 150% STG, 0% PWR. Projectile. 60% Chance of Paralysis.

    Rupturing Blow: Noira swings her ball-and-chain with all of her might to rupture the soul of an opponent. 0% STG, 150% PWR, Puncture. 60% Chance of Paralysis.

    Guillotine Murmur: Creating the illusion of a guillotine with her Mana Cycle, Noira crashes it down on her opponent to tear their body apart. 150% STG, 50% PWR, Slicing. 20% Chance of Doom.

    Natural Camouflage: Noira conceals herself using the ground around her, making her invisible to the naked eye. Bestows Conceal upon self.

    Royal Decapitation: Noira delivers a punishing blow designed to take the head cleanly off of her opponent. 200% STG, 0% PWR, Blunt. 60% Chance of Slow, 20% Chance of Doom.

    Binding Chains: Noira removes the chains that bind her to the world, freeing her spirit and allowing her to double her strength and executioner skill power. Increases SPD by 25%. Doubles STG and PWR for the next 5 turns. Bestows Doom on Self.

    Otherworldly Nurture: Calling upon the souls she has passed to the beyond, Noira heals her allies. 0% STG, 120% PWR Healing, 20% Chance of Vivify (One Random Target).

    Conceal (75% chance of the opponent’s attacks missing until afflicted attacks again.)
    Doom (If the target is not killed within 5 turns, it dies automatically.)
    Intangible (The target takes double damage from PWR-based attacks and skills, and is not afflicted by STG-based attacks for the next 5 turns.)
    Paralysis (Causes the target to lose an action for 1 turn.)
    Slow (Lowers SPD stat by 25% for 3 turns.)
    Vivify (Upon being killed, the target revives with 50% Max HP.)
  6. Hey guys, it's only ten skills. Me and Eeb are done, so let's not let this die, k?
  7. Deadline reached

    Thank you everyone who finished their skills, I may have to make a few edits to work around problems I encounter, but I won't stray too far.

    As for you Vero, and Fallen... Next time you join in something, make sure you have the resources to finish it, you have disappointed me, but I won't dwell, I will fill in the gaps for you myself.

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