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I Am a Panda, Hear Me Roar

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Irouk Inverse, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. ...meow...
    Wait, what kind of sound does a panda make anyway? >.>
    Anyway, hello there I am Irouk Inverse. But feel free to give me a nickname if you don't like how my username sounds. From today on I will be taking up residence in that corner over there.
    *points to corner with a cardboard box that says "Irouk's Home" in it*
    Now since I'm socially inept and really bad at introductions, I'm just going to hide in my corner but feel free to ask me any questions.
  2. That's a very good question. And as much as I'd like to tell you, being androgynous is part of my job description as an Asian (along with being a panda) so you can just refer to me as whatever gender I seem most like to you
  3. I am going to make this absolutely short by saying what needs to be said.

    Welcome to ZEJ.

    Don't die.

    All other details are irrelevant for preliminary survival.
  4. Oh I have a few connections here. And by "a few" I mean one. But hopefully one person's help will be enough. Plus I am perfectly safe in my corner, nothing will hurt me here o3o
  5. *has a small army of Electivire brutally murder you*

    What were you saying about safety?

    But seriously, welcome. I mean you no harm (usually), and only seek to- wait, what do I wanna do again? Director, what's my motivation!? Who am I?! Why am I here!?

    Anyway, welcome, feel free to look around. If you see something you like, you've left ZEJ. We have no possessions. Seriously, that box was our last possession. You know what, I'm gonna shut up now.
  6. Well, in spite of the fact that I have seen you around on Eternal Dream (I lurk... periodically B) ), I don't believe we have formally ever met, so hello there! My name's Eebit, and I'm one of your humble admins of this corner of the internet~ It's always nice to have more pandas around. Such a chill animal. Black, white, Asian, and no hate for anyone. Such a great existence, that!

    Anyway, as Shadow mentioned, not dying is always good. If you're looking to do some roleplaying, we've got a fair few things up and going, and as they say, the more the merrier! If you need any guidance on the way things go around here, then you can shoot me a PM or a profile comment, and I'll be more than happy to answer you as soon as I can. :>

    So yeah, welcome welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here, and don't worry if all of the corners are taken, we can always renovate the place a bit :D
  7. I'll be fine in this corner right here, thanks ^^;
    Though speaking of rps, I do rp quite a lot as I basically do nothing else in my spare time. So if I am able to get into a few it'd be nice, of course if there is no more room there is no need to trouble yourselves for me
  8. You sound like a promising member already! Hi, and welcome to the forums, Irouk :p
  9. Pandas are penguins, but asians. And bears. Penguins are my favourite animal. Therefore, Pandas are awesome too.
  10. A-Am I a bad asian..? ._.

    ANYWHORE, welcome to the cr3w, need there be an initiation, just stop on by my office~

    (I'm not this loopy all the time)
  11. Yes, yes you are a bad Asian. 3:
    Wait, there's an initiation? Do I have to stab myself with a knife and let my blood fall onto an unborn baby lamb drop by drop? DD:

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