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Couple of other stuff

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Zygardia, Dec 8, 2011.

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  1. Could we please not have the 60-second posting llimit? It's annoying prime.

    Also, v can haz name change thread? :> (Don't worry, you Cult lot, I'm not going to change my name every ten seconds. XD I'm assuming it'll have a, say, two-month limit?)
  2. On Espy's second note, maybe just let users change their own names and have a thread they can post in for the record.

    (mainly agreeing with Espy because I've been wanting to change my name to match my other common name :p)
  3. Sixty second rule should honestly not be a problem unless you're trying to rapid-fire post in Forum Game Land, which I find to be a cesspit of activity-sucking "goodness." As entertaining as some of them are (helps you learn about your fellow ZEJians), I think that it is nicer if you go off and post elsewhere before resuming your tirade on FGL. I'll look into it, though.

    As for usernames, for now you can PM an admin (namely me or Dark), to get your name changed. There's no wait period, because I have enough trust in my forum to not need a stupid period of waiting. However, as with all privileges, I'd prefer people not change their forum names too commonly.

    Dark, if you could get back to me on a plugin that allows for users to manually change their names, that'd be lovely.
  4. It's in usergroup options in the ACP, Eeb.
  5. It isn't for that, Eeb. :p I dislike it when I have two to five (Reference anyone? XD) posts ready fof posting in the ASB, but have to wait a minute (EXACTLY a minute...) before I can send them off. Sometimes I forget I have more posts ready for sendoff and I go ahead and close the browser (as with my current Ref-battle's post).
  6. Alright. Flood time should be off now, and I've allowed for users to change their own names. If I see you guys abusing this privilege, it will be disabled.

    Also, Espy, if you wouldn't mind, make a thread for the name changes a la Acanthite?

    Thread locked.
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