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Not Sure why my Account was Deactivated

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by turbotaxer, May 7, 2013.

  1. I'm back, more or less, I guess. Maybe post some stuff, if that would be enough.
  2. A bunch of inactive accounts were accidentally deleted, it seems.

    Either way. Welcome back!
  3. You were probably claimed by the pruning task I use to automatically get rid of spambots. Sorry about that. :S
  4. LOL. As soon as someone asks about your whereabouts in our first Q&A Corner, you magically reappear. Just like Zantok's return on May 4th which was kinda a big deal/holiday for us as well, with the Magnolia merger, this return is teeming with an aroma of pure irony and pure beauty all the same. Welcome back, my friend! I hope you have an excellent stay this time around. Any posts you may make here will certainly be appreciated, and I'm more than willing to walk you through whatever you need to feel more accommodated here. Just PM me here or send me a FB message, really.
  5. Turbo! My bestest buddy-buddy pal! The Paula to my Ness! The Yuna to my Tidus! The Lois Lane to my Superman!
  6. I'll be more active here, for sure! Good to see the folks I remember!

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