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Hello Yet Again for Another Time

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by turbotaxer, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Well, since it appears I'm posting on lots of meaningless convo's, I guess I'm being "active" again? It's been so long, I forgot that I actually knew some of you!
  2. You know you're in it too deep in the industry when "Hello Yet Again for Another Time" is just close enough to Adele's latest hit that you sing-read it out to that melody. Music criticism has tainted me. 25 gets a 7/10 from me.

    Good to have ya back, buddy! Surely we'll have a grand time getting you situated with us again, at least for the holiday season. It's kinda surreal to have so many of the OG bbz from Mercurious back at the same time, and certainly in a good way.

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