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[Freeform | Fantasy] Incarnations of Immortality interest check

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Gist, Apr 30, 2013.

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  1. So Pier Xanthony isn't known only for the "Magic of Xanth" series. He is also known for a smaller, eight book series dubbed "The Incarnations of Immortality".   In his world, science is merged with magic, and all fundamental forces and concepts are denoted by supernatural, immortal beings. 

    In the beginning, there were original forces and concepts, but over time, they have faded away, leaving the Offices vacant. Humans have since taken these positions, and have rotated through the Grand Scheme as these immortal beings. Each Office is succeeded in a different way, more detail on that will be revealed if I garner enough interest.

    There are many Incarnations, but in this RP, we will only focus on eight of them (unless the Magnolia merge gives me more sight into this):

    • Death
    • Time
    • Fate(s)
    • War
    • Nature
    • Good
    • Evil
    • Night

    Once again, more will be explained if I gather interest.

    That is all.
  2. Oooh, definitely interested~
  3. I see a chance to recycle an old character. Interest~ :3
  4. Tentatively interested. I like the Incarnations available, as it would always be exciting to mold a character into such an epitome, but I reserve my full claim of participation until I see more of the background on this. I'm also disconcerted by the fact I have absolutely no idea what the first paragraph was about.
  5. The merge is a go, so I'll leave this be while the integration is going on before I proceed with explanations and such. :3
  6. Oh, so it's a go? Look's like I've made for a good time to make an entrance! I'm not familiar with the original series, but that's not stopping me from expressing my overall interest in it, because what you've written here has gotten me very interested. You can probably count me in, if you'd have me. I'm eager to read what else you have to say about it!
  7. I guess it's time to give a little more information.

    On this alternate Earth, science has fused with magic, leaving a world of possibilities open. The Universe is governed by 8 fundamental forces, as seen in my OP. In the beginning, each force was never personified, just being its own entity. After a time, eight humans had the opportunity to step into each Office, and are succeeded in different ways. While assuming the Office of choice, one does not age. This will cause one to stay "alive" for centuries.

    With more information, how does everyone feel?
  8. Sounds interesting enough. I'm game, I guess.
  9. Closed at the request of the original poster.
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