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Vero's Contest #1 Sign Up Sheet Creation!

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Vero, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. This is yet another Contest! This time it is held by me! Vero! Since everyone is having a hard time creating a Roleplay/Statplay, I decided to help them out by showing them some sign up sheets that can possibly be used. If this contest is successful enough, we might have a new sign up sheet that everyone would use! Here are the rules.

    - It must look like a sign up sheet.

    - It must have a example sign up along with the sign up sheet, that means you have to fill out your own sign up that you send.

    - If it has Stats, please give me a reason why those stats were given in a P.M.

    - You HAVE to P.M. me your sign up sheet, once I have everyone's submissions, I will then tell everyone to post them on here.

    If I haven't made it clear, DO NOT POST YET.

    You will send me a P.M. showing me your submission or a P.M. telling me that you are joining. Please note that I will not hold up the entire system for one person, I will be posting a deadline after some people participate. You can't find me on IRC Chat since it doesn't work for my computer anymore, so please P.M. me.

    I am now accepting submissions.

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