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Scarletburn Notebook.

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Red Starr, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. Yeah, Vale's an "OK" writer for such a dull and empty man. This is pretty much what I've drummed up for him for quite a while now. And if he were to write, this is mostly what you would find in his private notebook. (I was bored, don't judge)

    Now follow me to blitzkrieg parade.

    The bombs of the north have calmed down
    And the south has fallen asleep
    Right down to their corrals…

    M’dear, don’t worry about your things, OK?
    Just leave them be, and I’ll let you free
    Don’t mind or care for objects that don’t stare.
    Now follow me to blitzkrieg parade.

    Those odd trees outside, don’t let them scare
    They’re only people, odd fruit hanging there
    Now follow my lead, and let those run free
    Now follow me to blitzkrieg parade.

    Madam don’t be alarmed by the screaming souls
    They’re only those who’ve lost their lives
    I’ve killed them myself, but the hunger still roars
    Now follow me to blitzkrieg parade.

    Watch out for the sky as it pelts us up so high
    They’re only those metallic wishes of war
    Now watch your step, and enjoy that mess
    Now follow me to your man-made parade.

    But call me Valen (Haiku)
    I am your killer
    I devour souls and blood
    But call me Valen.

    Milk. (Haiku)
    I've just done my job
    The master was so happy
    Could I drink some milk?

    Ainede yi'oru nos woekrre (And you'll know where).
    When alone, you think aloud
    When your mind is full of shroud
    Those thoughts which counter your own
    To hell with them, I say so.

    And you’ll know where I stand
    With thy bloody metal hand
    In the middle of your world
    So steady I shall stand.

    And so I rock myself to and fro
    As much as my mind thinking so
    Never will I care for what I’ve done
    Because I know you’ll know where.

    So you know where to find me
    You know? Hidden away
    Like a beast in a cage
    Like a man during the day?

    For so long I’ve craved some love
    At least a smile that isn’t false
    At least no fear against me.
    Rahn-Ha Dah! Ainede yi'oru nos woekrre.

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