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Roleplay of the Week/Month/Period-of-Time?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Eebit, Aug 7, 2011.


Interested in an idea like this?

  1. Yes!

  2. No.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Hey guys, reaching out for you on an opinion on something.

    Another RPing forum that Jonno and I have been starting out in has this feature - a Roleplay of the Week kind of thing. RPGZone (our now-partially-defunct affiliate) also had something similar in a featured RP bit of text at the header of the forums.

    What I'd like to know is, would you guys be interested in an RP that gets featured as the "ZEJ Prime Quality" RP each month? We'd probably put a little header at the top of the main page or something with a little blurb written by one of our admins, along with reasons for it being the featured RP or something. In the dying weeks of each month, we can post a poll for write-in votes for the RP of the next month, where people vote (secret ballot style) and PM their opinions to an (unbiased) admin or something...

    It has some glitches, but we could probably whip up a cool little decorative banner for each of you to place in the "Featured RP" thread or something. Who knows!

    Please vote in the poll and let me know what you think of something like this. Thanks bros~
  2. i could make dem banners 4 u
  3. Go with month, weeks are too close together. Otherwise this sounds like a fun idea, unless we get one of those guys who takes everything too seriously and ruins it for everyone.
  4. It seems like a good idea, people might even start making more Roleplay sign ups for this reason alone. Speaking of which, I am working on another RPG idea. This time I am hoping that this one will get past the Roleplay sign ups stage and go to Active Roleplays. Hahaha :p
  5. I think this could be a good idea, but i'm not sure.

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