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Legend Of Zelda!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Vero, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. The title is a bit plain, but otherwise to the point. I would like to discuss anything that relates to the Legend of Zelda, from the items that Link finds on the way, to the bosses he faces. We could even discuss the Legend of Zelda timeline and all of that random stuff about what game came first chronologically.

    Well, since this is the discussion for Legend of Zelda, I would like to state, one of my favorite Legend of Zelda songs is Overworld theme- Link's awakining.

    Ah, one of my favorite bosses (and also one of the bosses that can actually kill me XD ). We all know Him(Her?) Helmasaur!

  2. I personally love the Zelda series; probably one of the better series that Ninty has churned out over the years, and definitely my favourite of the "Big 3" that Jonno so often mentions (though Mario is a close second!). I loved Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past, though the Oracle games are probably my favourite of all; Oracle of Ages/Seasons are both fantastic games, and if you have any way of playing them, I highly recommend you do so!

    I'm not particularly big on Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks, because I didn't like the gameplay at all, and the storyline didn't hook me in like all of the others did. Maybe I grew up and lost interest in the "toon" style, but Wind Waker and Minish Cap are still amazing games in my mind, so I guess the gameplay really turned me off.

    As for my favourite boss? Hm, that's a tough one. I really liked Bongo Bongo from Ocarina of Time, but that's just my Shadow Temple bias. I really liked the boss fight for Puppet Ganon in Wind Waker; fantastic story-wise, and an epic penultimate battle in my opinion. Ganondorf himself in that game was excellent as well!
  3. http://brawlinthefamily.keenspot.com/2011/05/23/336-boss-room/

    That's all I got.

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