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A new Challenger Apperas

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by lordodonnel, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Heya all! Names Nokolae Blackthorn I'm a newcomer here, and I haven't been part of the rp scene for quite some time.I'm a fur, so you'll meet my 'sona at some point.

    i hope we all get along, and can enjoy ourselves. i look forward to meeting all of you!
  2. Welcome- I'm Moon, resident I-don't-know. Pleased to meet you and hope you enjoy your time at Zej, the place where stuff happens!

  3. Thank you! *bows and offers a handshake.* Unless that's frowned on here....?
  4. Oh hey, another furry. You'll fit fine here.

    Welcome to ZEJ~ I'm one of our resident admins. If you have any questions you can PM me, or anyone with a red name, and ask for help~
  5. Well you know what they say... give 'em a hand, and they'll take your whole arm...!

    Nah, you're fine. Nothing to be afraid of. Nobody here bites all that hard anyway. Welcome to ZEJ, mate! My name's Eebit, and I'm one of your friendly neighbourhood admins. As Kuda / @Keileon said, we're the red-named chaps who keep the place running, more or less. Run to us if you need assistance. I'm also the one to typically do the whole "grand tour" of the joint so pay attention!.

    Soooo, where to start... well, we're a pretty laid-back bunch, so you don't have to worry too much about people breathing down your neck about rules and whatnot. We do have a few, so give 'em a read if you have the chance. If you're looking to test the waters of our roleplaying sphere with a new idea, then we invite you to check out the Interest Checks section. You can post your new idea there, or check out what other people would like to start up! I'm quite confident that there are some people just dying to get going with some roleplaying. We also have a fantasy-centred open world that we encourage everyone to check out in the form of Galamion. Keep your eyes trained over there in coming weeks...!

    Anyway, that's my introductory bit. I just scraped the tip of the iceberg, but if you have any questions about things (our brand of Statistical Roleplaying, what to do if you need an adult, our resident Blue Man Group, why @"Jonno" loves walruses...) or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to me! I got your back.

    So tell us more about yourself, newfriend! What are your interests? Your hobbies? Your credit card number?
  6. Oh look, someone new!

    Yeah, as @Keileon said, quite a few of us in staff are furries too; I mean Hell, I run the backend (no not that backend) here, so there's that. As such, I'm also The Guy to call when shit breaks.
  7. "quite a few" meaning literally two

    We have at least three non-staff furries though.
  8. well @"Shadow"'s a hedgehog, so..!
  9. Oh my...so much luffs. *hums in excitement* The last forum I was apart of was like this one....Lots of friends on there...sadly, we all kinda went our own ways after about six years....*makes a sad face.* I'm hoping to make a lot of new friends, though!

    I'm a roleplayer...I won't state how good...I've been out of it for quite some time. Been doing a lot of table top stuff, so I don't know if I still got it for text based. I used to be pretty good, so, who knows?
  10. Hello! Welcome to ZEJ.  I'm Krista, the resident maternal figure on the forums.  Basically if you are in need of the adult that @Eebit mentioned that would be me. 
  11. I'll keep that in mind, hun. *bows and doffs hat*

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