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[Statplay] Magi Nation RP

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Gray Mercury, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. So yeah I plan on starting a Magi Nation RP here. Here's a brief synopsis:

    Twenty years have past since the fall of Agram. The Shadow Magi have

    A few common questions:
    What is Magi Nation?

    It originated as card game that started around the year 2000. It was then released as a Game Boy Color game which is an excellent game that didn't get as much praise that it deserves. It is similar to Pokemon, except you use your energy to call forth a Dream Creature who then use their energy to perform powerful attacks.

    What is a Magi?

    A Magi is an individual who can summon various Dream Creatures through rings made with Infused Animite.

    What are Dream Creatures?

    Dream Creatures are the living animals and plantlife that inhabit The Moonlands, the regions in this world, ranging from mushrooms to giant dragonlike creatures, to even clouds and giant whales.

    What is Animite?

    There are two kinds of Animite: regular and infused. Regular Animite is use as currency in the Moonlands. Infused Animite is used to make rings to summon Dream Creatures.

    Any other questions I'll answer. Just want to see how many are interested.

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