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Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by DoctorSlavic, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Hello, I'm DoctorSlavic, or just Slavic, and I come from over at Mercurious., via Eebit. I enjoy Roleplaying, especially statistical ones, because they're fun.
  2. *er-hem*

    Hello there! It is so very nice to meet you! Welcome to the world of ZEJ!

    My name's Espeonature. However, everyone just calls me Espy, Ninetales, et cetera. Before I go any further, is this your first visit to this forum? If so, I think you'd better check how crazy we are. ;) But considering you know Eebit, I think that's not really necessary. And seeing as you appear to be a nice, rule-following person, you don't need rules! Screw the Rules, We Have Roleplays

    This world is widely inhabited by creatures called forum members. We members live alongside other forum members as friends. At times, we play together, and at other times we work together. Some forum members use their moderating powers to battle and develop closer bonds with some members. We all take roles and play with each other as a method of fun!

    What do I do? I conduct research on how to become a better forum member so that I become a better member.

    Now, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Are you a boy? Or maybe a girl? And your name is DoctorSlavic? A fine name that is! Are you indeed from the Slavic countries?

    All right, DoctorSlavic, the time has come. Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold. On your journey, you will meet countless forum members. I'm sure that along the way you will discover many things, perhaps even about yourself.

    Now, go on, leap into the world of the Zantok-Eebit-Jonno forums! (Oh, and a bit of friendly advice: Kudamon bites! ... Or used to... Well, let's leave you to figure out whether anyone bites and who does,'K?)
  3. I am indeed a boy, though I roleplay characters in both genders.
    I do not come from anywhere in that region, but I came up with the name while drinking Dr. Pepper in Russian class, trying to come up with one.
    As for being good at following rules, I do that pretty well.
    I am glad to join and will strive to see every member here!
  4. ^_^ Good to know! And you have a Russian class? That's amazing!
    Is it a private class or a school subject?
  5. It was an elective last year, taught by two students who had just moved over to the U.S. from Ukraine. It was a history/literature class, and was pretty fun. And kudos for the Oak lines!
  6. ^Rowan, not Oak, and I'm happy at least you noticed it was SOME professor. :p
  7. Ahhh >:I My mistake. I've been mostly playing Ruby and Emerald lately. I was only off by, like, 4 generations!
  8. Only 4~ That's pretty accurate! XD
  9. Is there a place where I can get a brief or less-than-brief... briefing on the rules?
  10. There are no "set" rules here, aside from using one's common sense in what you can, and cannot do. Anyway, welcome to ZEJ, Slavic, pretty sure you'll fit in just fine. Try to not disappear suddenly, though, eh?
  11. Welcome, Slavic! Glad to see you were interested in joining us! :) As Shadow said, we don't really have any 'set' rules here (we should probably get around to making some someday, but for now, I have faith in our members). Pretty much common sense is our governor here, and I have confidence that you have plenty of that~

    All in all, welcome! If you have any outlying questions or just want to chat, give me a shout via PM or IRC or whatever. Hope to see you around! :>
  12. Awesome! This is probably the most freedom-y RPing site I've been on. So I should just do as other people do and such, and try not to screw anything up big time. That I can handle. Just waiting to RP now *salutes*

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