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How Should We Crossover?

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Wonder Smash, Apr 15, 2012.


How Should Crossover Be Done?

  1. As A Casual Freeform Roleplay.

    1 vote(s)
  2. As It Was The First Time.

    0 vote(s)
  3. As A Freeform Roleplay Controlled Mainly By Me.

    1 vote(s)
  4. As A Roleplay/Forum Game.

    3 vote(s)
  5. As A Fanfiction.

    0 vote(s)
  6. Not At All.

    0 vote(s)
  1. I'm sure many of you are aware of the Crossover series, and how I've tried bringing it back several times. However, I've hit a huge roadblock... I can't decide how it should be done. So I'm going to ask you... How should Crossover be done? If at all? I'm asking this because if a certain way of going about it is popular, then it's more likely to work for all of us. Here are our options as I see it.

    1. Make Crossover a simple casual freeform roleplay.

    If this was the case, Crossover would become a simple roleplay. No achievements, no episodes, no seasons, no limits, just good old fun roleplaying. On the good side, roleplayers wouldn't be pressured to be active if they didn't want to be since there wouldn't be a strict story. On the bad side, the potential for a random, spam clogged, pointless, forgetful roleplay is hard to ignore.

    2. Make Crossover more like the original.

    For those of you who don't know (Or remember) what the original was like, basically, roleplayers chose characters and went through a co-operative story where each roleplayer "directed" an "episode" in a "season" that had an overall story arc managed by one roleplayer. On the good side, there wouldn't be as much randomness as there would be otherwise. On the bad side, roleplayers, especially the directors would have to be active in order to ensure order, which could be inconveniant for everyone.

    3. Make Crossover a freeform roleplay managed by one person. (The Brawlinator)

    This format would work similarly to the original Crossover, but instead of have each episode and season being managed by a different director, the overall focus would be managed by yours truly. Although I would control where the characters go and why, other roleplayers would be able to let their characters (Heroes and villains) do whatever they want, provided they stick with the planned story. On the good side, the potential for random stories would be nearly nonexistant, as I would be writing the basic stories myself. On the bad side, roleplayers would have less control over exactly what they want to do, which would violate a staple of Crossover that's been around since Fuzzydude and I first began playing it by ourselves years ago.

    4. Make Crossover a cross between a roleplay and a forum game.

    In this case, I would continue working on Crossover Task Force, a roleplay/forum game where you take control of a character from a large selection and complete missions. On the good side, roleplayers would be able to experience a unique roleplay. On the bad side, it would limit the ability for the roleplayer to choose freely what they want to do.

    5. Make Crossover a fanfiction.

    If I were to do this, then Crossover would return to the Crossover Avengers format, where it is only a fanfiction and not a roleplay at all. On the good side, there would be a story managed by one person, (Me) which would mean very little randomness. On the bad side, other people would have very little control over what happens, which would go against a lot of what Crossover is about.

    6. Don't make Crossover at all.

    Of course, there's always the possibility that you guys don't want Crossover in any shape or form. If that's the case, please tell me, so that I can try other things. On the good side, it would give me more time to experiment with other roleplay ideas, and of course join other roleplays. On the bad side, well, Crossover will end until further notice.

    Please vote in the poll and maybe even comment to post your opinion. Thank you. :D
  2. I voted for "As A Roleplay/Forum Game", because the idea you introduced in the other thread with acievments, new unlockable chars etc sounded really awesome and different. That´s just me though...

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