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Twittering / Random Musings

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Eebit, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Preparing for the worst. 2014 certainly became a terrible year in less than a day.
  2. Family hospitalization, one right after the other right after the other.
  3. Good looking, so refined. Say wouldn't you like to know whats going on in my mind?
  4. Changed some of my theme, kekā„¢
  5. and suddenly I get Z-lined from IRC.

    working on this issue now

    Edit: @shadow what do I do
  6. Edit: nvm

    Edit 2: okay yeah this isn't working
  7. (For future reference, that means you have a bad connection to it. Z:lines of that nature only last 300 seconds, or five minutes, so just let the time wear down)
  8. I've been trying repeatedly for the last half hour.

    Edit: okay my cousin seriously cannot hold his liquor lol

    Edit 2: okay seriously @Shadow @Instance @"Lord X-Giga-X" get GL's attention or something. This has gotten annoying.
  9. Mibbit doesn't like proxies and I can't get CZ to use one.
  10. Wait warmly while help arrives.

    By the way, could you copy-paste the Z-Line message?
  11. [19:53] === *** You have been banned from ParadoxIRC, Please email help@paradoxirc.net if you think this was a mistake.
    [19:53] [ERROR] Closing link: (unknown@ [Z-Lined: Your host ( is listed in DroneBL. Visit http://dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip=]
    [19:53] [ERROR] Connection to irc://irc.paradoxirc.net/ (irc://irc.paradoxirc.net/) closed. [Help] Reconnecting in 15 seconds. [Cancel]
  12. Apparently nobody gave a fuck about the issue until a few minutes ago LMAO

    I hope you've tried going to the site there--though I was unsuccessful in removing your IP from there (because it's apparently "not active"...?). Not much I can do here from this point; best choice is still changing your IP.
  13. I already did the site thing.

    Also I tried changing my IP with proxies but it doesn't work with CZ, Mibbit won't load, and I can't change it directly because the internet is coming from my cousin's Android phone.
  14. At this point you should try using a new client to work with a proxy because it doesn't look like the IP will get unbanned anytime soon.

    EDIT: rofl nevermind that, looks like it took a couple of hours to get officially blacklisted.
  15. Sorry about that.

    Your exception will last for 30 days, so hopefully your IP will change before then.
  16. Exam scheduling is endlessly frustrating.
  17. ^ I get that. Scheduling my GED tests. :|

    Also I made a speedpaint.
  18. GCG and I share the same class yet again. I'm not even thrilled. I feel severely uncomfortable now.
  19. Is this intentional on either side?
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