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Make a dragon wanna retire, man

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Kamantha, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1CAA6rVCB8e

    Shovel Knight x Uptown Funk mashup I've been working on for a little while. It's obviously messy, which is why I cut it off at the minute mark.

    Any advice on how to end the song? The FTM file for the Shovel Knight song has a fairly ugly ending, so I'm thinking I might, like, take the slap bass from Uptown Funk and then have one final doh. But y'all are audio experts or w/e
  2. When it's so good you gotta whip out the weeb Kamojis
    d=(´▽`)=b °˖ᔆᵘᵗᵉᵏⁱ✧˖°

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