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Mac Museum

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Macintosh, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. I'll be putting up all my art stuff here so be sure to come back soon!!!​

    I forgot to mention that all of you can feel free to post comments on any art guys. I'd sure appreciate feedback!!!
  2. I'm really proud of this one. I actually used a Pen Tablet and made one of my favorite Gundams.
    This picture was originally supposed to be called ShenPen
  3. Here's another Tablet generated picture of mine Woo hoo!!!
  4. HO YEAH i just drew this for a special occasion on here
  5. I dedicate this drawing to stocking and how cute she can be when she wants to
  6. Made this for my buddy Eebit. It's Stocking from the show Pany and Stocking with garter belt. I put stocking with more defining eyes that make you wanna smile, then again, it varies on who you are.
  7. Alright let me put it down like my hands hurtin. What i have here is a picture of Angelo from the Feign of Paradise Stat roleplay. Angelo is Eebit's Character and this pretty much shows you what kind of person and powers he uses. I apologize if some clothing of him is left out or if any accessories are missing.
    Some detail will be added and updated on this picture throughout time.
  8. Alrighty, Eebit you requested and you shall recieve. I actually had some fun on this one ^.^. It's Allister (middle), Crissie (right), and angelo(Left) sleeping so soundly together. I like it a lot.[​IMG]
  9. Request from my buddy crazE. Haha Hope you love it man
  10. This is my new RP character in a super sexy position and clothing. I will post her in her actual clothes sometime, but not now. :p
    Hope you all like her.
    One more thing, I know that the quality is bad so i'm gonna try to take a better resolution picture for a clearer and more fancy experience.
  11. BEHOLD!!!! The Espira drawing I made for Shadow that i forgot to upload. Hope you all love it.
  12. This is the felyne decimator i made for a KH RP. and hope it will pass off and i can join.
  13. Made this for an RP weapon. Probably for Allister some time in the game.
  14. This is "OKAY MAN" originating in the chatplay of NinjaPro's first appearance.
  15. Mac's Back view of his Life view system. Sorry for the low quality, but the /Real/ piture doesent look so broad. Spent a bit of time on this, so i'm glad i got it done.
  16. Picture of rapid fire. Drew it for my buddy Starr (Gilbert)
  17. I present...Jude!!!!
  18. Mac full armored. Nuff said
  19. Alas I have done it giga. As long as you're satisfied I am too
  20. Credit goes to my sister. This is her Pocket Monsters trainer that she made. She's /Hylian/

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