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Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by Jonno, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Taking a cue from Moon here and entering the prompt ring! Feel free to come at me with whatever you like. Writing across a spectrum of genres and types of writing should really help me get back into gear as far as roleplaying and my novels are concerned, so I'm looking forward to whatever you all have in mind! 

    Cheers! :)

    I'll try my best to write my way around just about anything, but if you want a list of subjects that I'm particularly inclined towards or adept at writing about already, feel free to check out the list below. Never feel afraid to think outside of the box and give me something that'll require some research or extra thought on my end, however. I'll let you know if it's not for me forthrightly, and I always love a challenge!

    * Studio Ghibli
    * Fire Emblem (any game in the series)
    * Okami
    * The Last Story
    * Pandora's Tower
    * The Legend of Zelda
    * Splatoon
    * Super Mario Bros.
    * Super Smash Bros.
    * Death Note
    * Realm of Belief
    * The Edge Chronicles
    * The Faces of Eebit
    * ZEJ in general
    * Your own RP characters (send me the links to appropriate info and let me know of everything else that you I'll need in the post requesting it)

    * Sex scenes, as they may, are touchy in general. There's a difference between artistic interpretation and just straight-out free Brazzers streams, but I still don't feel comfortable writing something as literal as actual "smut" because there's clearly those who may come around ZEJ that aren't aware of sex entirely or are, you know, under 18. So no thanks.
    * Your homework for free.
  2. I demand Faces of Eebit. I don't know what the frick it would turn in to but gimme.
  3. The Eebot .007s were rusted and long out of warranty. The time for the well-endowed robots of old had came and went, their purpose obsolete. With the Faces of @Eebit over and the tangible man-god himself intertwined forever with Floating Caribou in a marriage traversing across the stars in their intergalactic yacht, their final motivation for functioning was to remain standing by, ever in waiting for their master's potential return should he ever need them once more.

    In the back of Eebot .00701's mechanical mind, he knew that Eebit had fallen so madly in love with Floating Caribou that it would take a god-given miracle for him to ever return to them. In his sexy farmer's outfit did Eebit .00701 wait at the milk bar, with .00702 stuck in brooding reflection over his master's charm, all but lost in lack of motion whilst his jungle man outfit flapped gently in the slight wind that carried itself throughout the mansion's corridors. 

    It was a sad scene, seemingly to be stuck within the valley between time and space forever.

    But then...

    He came.

    His steps reverberated throughout every corridor of Eebit's mansion, much in the same rickety pattern that Curly the shrimp of the olden times once had when he had initially sold the development to its most notable owner some several decades back. It had taken him two thousand moons over to reach his destination, but it had all paid off - Zantok had shimmied his way into Eebit's valley, and through Eebit's sacred gates. Passing Eebit's sacred garden of fruit, he pushed open the doors to finally take in the place that had once maintained such a ceremony as beauteous as the Faces of Eebit tournament and subsequent sponsored wedding itself.

    Zantok did not linger at the steps of the tremendous abode; with a tug of his great, peppered beard, he sidled his way across Eebit's blond carpet and into the massage center. Beside rows of empty tables was none other than the sexy farmer himself, stationed in permafreeze at the cabana, awaiting his master's reappearance so as to serve him.

    With a smirk, Zantok titled his glasses upwards with a lilting push, and pressed his hands directly against both of the Eebot's well-chiseled shoulders. The mech's eyes lit with the glowing pink hearts of the television ads for so long ago, and in that moment, Zantok had discovered that his purpose was true.

    "Master?" the Eebot said, its cold, heart-shaped lights peering directly into what felt like Zantok's soul.

    "Not your master," he replied, tugging once again at his majestic beard, "but your savior."

    As he began to reach towards the confused Eebot's hand, a disturbance could barely be made out from the upper rafters. Swinging down from the chandeliers before long was none other than old Curly, donning his traditional lord's attire whilst brandishing a sword.

    "Ho boy curly not gonna let you take that boy you better be watching out you are a crazy son of a gun I'm gonna make you some pancakes and we can eat them together but these are Eebit's property why are you going about stealing them oh snazzy snipple," Curly did say.
  4. ...
    B) :5 :x ;) :D ;D
  5. O_O Woah. Excuse me for a moment. I need to take a cold shower.
  6. Make a crossover fanfiction where Amaterasu meets Wolf Link and the two become friends, only to experience a tragedy that makes them rethink their whole lives.
  7. @CerberusLycan - It's incoming! It might be a few good days before I actually delve into the meat of developing the story since I'm having some guests over come tomorrow, and I really would like to give a story handling one of my favorite gaming protagonists/sun deities ever a nice arc ending in shrimp.

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