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Introducing... Tyrancomix~

Discussion in 'Creation Station' started by LaTyrannia, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. tyran please dont kill me
  2. I'm drawing all you CoEsters in the order you appeared in the comics and each character design picture will include an improved version of your first appearance, traced in pen, your name, commentary, and other random tidbits like how I draw you or something. idk.
  3. Dropping the official request here, I believe we went over details in chat :3
  4. Updated the main post with some new comixes~
  5. I did that too, but left out references and some didn't have volume numbers so I ??????????
    Also, it's out of chronological order. *shrugs*
    It's in chronological order up to Volume 16. After that, the ????????? takes place.

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