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[Freeform|Mystery] The House By The Bridge

Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Spaughtyena, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. After driving a long county road atnight, your vehicle breaks down, leaving you and your friends stranded in the woods. Upon further investigation, you soon discover a small home off a trail. Inside the home, a vulpine woman allows you to stay, so long as you aren't nosy and you are polite, at least until the bridge is repaired.

    This roleplay is a timed mystery. Inwhich characters you develop will have no special qualities other than whatever mundane skills they've aqcuired over their lifetime. Once the bridge is repaired, we count up the clues and possible theories, and I say how well you did, and if you failed or not. This roleplay is quick, and repeatable so long as the players are unaware of the ending. It is possible to discover everything before the bridge is repaired, but that is for you to discover.

    I would like at least 2-3 players,character sheets are not needed. Once I get 3 players I will start itup. I do not want to spoil anything so this IC is just up to see if anyone would want to play a nice quick mystery roleplay.
  2. FIRST.

    I have yet to actually do any roleplaying, and this is...
    I don't even know, I just really like this.

    (Are we furries? DIBS ON THE CAT IF SO.)
  3. You CAN be a furry if you want. Otherwise you can play as a human. I'm pretty lenient.
  4. Alrighty, well we have two now, but I may wait a little bit in case we get another inkling of interest

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