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*cough* 2 months later

Discussion in 'Comings and Goings' started by Fallen, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. So...let's see what happened to me in the last 2 months...
    Derpphone broke(car hit it...), shitty comp broke, got fixed, broke, and got fixed again :D; track season finished and now im back here. So great to be back here...

    I'm ready for the death sentence :/
  2. Welcome back, Leighmon! Glad to see you~
  3. Welcome back Fallen! Im Cid, been here for about 2-3 months.... so probably right about when you left :p. Shadow and a few others have been calling me the new "Fallen" for some reason.... Well.... THEY HAVE NO REASON FOR THAT ANYMORE.... anywayz..... welcome back, and enjoy your stay at the Zoo of Entastic Jonno's! Zantok Eebit Jonno RP forum!
  4. Are you ACTUALLY back this time.
  5. I am drawing to the conclusion your luck is shittier than Kuda's.
  6. Well, welcome back. Hopefully you can stick around for a while, though this time... try not to join things if you're not sure you can keep up.
  7. I know, I'll try not to join as much shit this time and actually keep promises.

    On another note, does that mean Cid is the guy that always gets tormented now and not me? :D
  8. ^Basically, yup. :p Unfortunately for him.

    Also Shadow; I'm pretty sure Kudos has worse luck.
  9. Ohai Failen! Stick around this time, will you? XD
  10. Yes, stick around and give them a reason to tortutre you instead of me... (I think they only torture me because of the time I joined.... 0.o)

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