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Discussion in 'Interest Checks' started by Spaughtyena, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. The Sullen Coast. Such an apt name for a place so cruel and undesirable. The towns scattered along its shore were luckier than those inland, but the grey flags of Calidyr find everything; and they drive their bloodied flagpoles into the hearts of our towns and bleed us. Our very neighbours enslaved into the sick, demented conscription that drives them to kill the ones separated from them. It is not pretty, but it is your life.

    They came in broad daylight. Old faces, some new. And they drove down their flag and set fires to your village. Taking the men, women and children alike, and set them to their cause. Making them workers, soldiers and whores. It is now that you have been abducted by the Calidyrian and sent to Gallowbrooke. Who knows what await you there – but one thing is certain – not all of you will leave alive.

    Just a quick idea I got in my head. Just wanted to see if some good ol' “START AS A SLAVE” goodness would tickle anyone's pickle. Reply if interested. All races applicable. I leftit vague so as to not spoil the apples while they bake - if'n y'know what I mean.

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