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Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Conjectures' started by Nebulon Ranger, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. 7.8 per second.
  2. I got 6.83 and had 3 seconds left before my browser pooped out for no apparent reason and said I was on an invalid address, so I guess that rounds out to 7. :5
  3. 6.9!

    ( http://puu.sh/2KgVo.png )

    What I'm curious to know
    is who uses a mouse, and who a track pad.
    (I use the latter; inversed my grip and fucked my left mouse button with my thumb and without any protection)
  4. >6.9
    >fucked my left mouse button

  5. [​IMG]

    That's... 6.3? Yeah seems legit.
  6. 10.4

    I believe I win.

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